

Slightly unconventional and always willing to listen, learn, and grow, Sara is a teacher turned homeschooling mama to two daughters ages 7 and 4. Her beloved husband of ten years is a nurse, and together they are raising their girls (along with four hens and a garden of somewhat organic veggies) smack dab in the middle of their home city of Zachary. They are passionate about Jesus, each other, their daughters, alternative education, and healthful (and tasteful) eating – in that order. Sara’s first goal of homeschooling is to cultivate a love of learning and curiosity. Sometimes this looks like taking a break from the math book and studying entomology in the backyard instead! (Don’t worry, the girls are on par in math!) Day to day, she strives to give her daughters a healthy world view by teaching them to serve others with love and compassion and to live a life of contentment and gratitude.

Nursing in Public {The Encouragement I Needed}

Disclosure :: World Breastfeeding Week is recognized August 1 – 7, 2016. This year, the World Breastfeeding Week theme is about how breastfeeding is a key element in getting us to think about how to value our...

Teaching My Children to See in Color

  "My children don't notice color." This sentiment is repeated time and again, boldly and proudly. It's touted as a great parenting goal, especially when racial tensions heat up. We don't want our children to see...

To Those Who Love Blue

On this day, Sunday July 17, I casually picked up my phone and checked Facebook. It was out of habit and mindless. The very first status on my feed gave me pause. "Active shooter"...

Louisiana Blueberries: Where to Pick Them and What to Do With Them

Blueberries are in season and bountiful in south Louisiana! The Baton Rouge area is blessed to have many orchards around that will allow families to pick their own Louisiana blueberries, which makes for a...

Twinning {A Southern Tradition}

It goes without saying that if you are raising two or more daughters (and let's face it, sons) in the South, they will match occasionally. And by "occasionally" I mean all the time. Special...