

Tiffany is happily married to her high school sweetheart, Desmond. Together they get to play the roles of Mommy and Daddy to Micah, a gifted Math Wiz of a teenager who is always making people laugh, and Keilyn, a spunky, flower loving, dancing girl who will stop and talk to anyone she meets. She was born and raised in Baton Rouge and has Cajun blood running through her veins. She works full time outside of the home in business administration. She started the journey of motherhood young but wouldn’t have it any other way. Her children have taught her to laugh, play and that sometimes it’s ok not to have a plan! She has a passion for teenagers and is an active mentor in her church’s youth group. In her rare free time she enjoys shopping, coffee, and date nights with her husband. She believes that everyone has a story to tell and enjoys meeting new people, making people laugh, and spending time with friends and family.

Why I Choose to Put My Husband First

Being a mom is hard!  We somehow have to be an entertainer, a cook, a maid, a doctor, give magic hugs and scare away the monster under the bed, sometimes all in one day! ...

Maintaining a Long Distance Friendship in the “I’m a Busy Mom Stage!”

I became a mom long before most of my friends were even past the staying-out-all-night phase.  Learning to maintain a friendship with my close friends while learning how to raise and take care of...