Rediscovering My Sense of Self and Purpose :: I Found Me! Have you ever experienced a time when you truly did not recognize who you were? You would wake up in the morning, while brushing your teeth and looking in the mirror, thinking “girl, what happened to you?" Life is what happens: we are all consumed with being a mother, wife, sister, friend, coworker, and even a business owner, that sometimes we lose our sense of who we are. Not only that, but we also put everything we desire on hold to make sure that everyone else's dreams are fulfilled. We have all disconnected from our true selves, and our value, purpose, passion, dreams, and desires.   As a Life Coach,...

The Persistent Dreamer

The Persistent Dreamer When I was a little girl, I had big aspirations. Pop star, model, veterinarian, nurse. I wanted to succeed. I wanted to do something groundbreaking with my life, something to make a difference. Then life happened. High school brought me down a road I didn’t anticipate in my younger days, and boy was that road bumpy. After becoming a teen mom, I figured my chances of becoming something were put on hold. I was right. For a long time, my dreams took a wayside in pursuit of raising my son. I worked as a waitress, a cashier, a bartender. Basically a string of customer service jobs that didn’t fulfill me. Don’t get me wrong. I have the...
You Cannot Heal Where You Are Hurting For the past 8 years of my life, I have had to let go of people who meant the world to me involuntarily. In those losses, I have learned that we experience loss whether it is people, things, tangible or intangibles, mentally or physically and it is inevitable. After each loss, there are periods of grief or mourning that we must go through. You cannot skip the process, and you cannot ignore it. There are stages of grief/mourning that you will have to go through. If you search the internet some say there are 5, 6 or even 7 stages. As for me, I have experienced 8 stages of grief multiple times. And...
Mom, I'm Hungry!! Lately, things for me have really been chaotic, and it seems like the time is going so fast. With changing careers, working, studying, cleaning the house, and being a football mom. I am on auto pilot and going along for the ride. One thing that I find myself doing the most and I did not even list is COOKING. What was I thinking, leaving that one out, it's the most important thing in life as mom. Blow the whistle, there is a flag on that play!! Do not mind me, I am talking football. No matter what I am doing, if my son is with me all I hear is “Mom, I'm hungry" and my reply is...
My Dear Child, Today I watched you walk into your first ever day of school. I am filled with all the emotions. From pride to worry. This road for you hasn’t been easy. You’ve been faced with more challenges and setbacks in your four years than most adults encounter in their lifetime. Yet, you haven’t let that get in your way. You are the strongest little boy I know, so much perseverance and tenacity in such a little body. So much spirit and will to live in such a small soul. I worry about you taking on this new journey. I worry that you’ll soon find out that the world and kids are not as kind as you’ve come to think....

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BellyFire Pottery :: A Hands-on Bachelorette Party

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