Mom Tips, Tricks and Hacks

moms in Baton Rouge

As Baton Rouge moms, we know what it takes to keep a household running, and we understand that motherhood is hard. There’s always a ton to do and never enough time to get everything done! Sometimes us moms need a quick fix or advice from other moms on how to save time. Just like you, Red Stick Mom writers are always open to a more efficient way to handle things and willingly share their best mom hacks, tips and tricks when they find them.

Here at Red Stick Mom, we offer dozens of ideas from diverse perspectives in our mom hacks, tips and tricks category. From taking road trips from Baton Rouge to meatless meals to natural cold remedies, we’ve written about it. 

Curious how to freshen up your skin routine? We suggest you try slugging. Looking for a faster way to fix your hair? Try the lazy mom’s guide to hair. Wondering if there’s a better way to cook bacon? Try this mom hack for cooking the best bacon ever and thank us later. What’s motherhood without perfecting your bacon, are we right? That’s the kind of content our Mom hacks, tips and tricks section highlights. 

That said, not all of Red Stick Mom’s mom hacks, tips and tricks are about fixing food or mom’s self care. Maybe you are looking for a better way to store your family’s precious photo memories. Have you ever wondered what to do with the cupcakes that your kids inevitably didn’t finish? You haven’t really lived until you’ve tried “recycle cake.” We even get intimate with other topics like why every mom should try period panties and the value of a nursing cart when there’s a newborn in your home.

Our writing team of 25+ local Baton Rouge moms really work hard to ensure that local parents benefit from our tried and true mom hacks, tips and tricks. Our goal is to make living in Baton Rouge with kids – and motherhood overall – easier and more fun, and we’re here to share what we know! 

The word ‘doula’ is Greek for “woman servant or caregiver."  These days, the term doula refers to a woman who provides support for mothers during pregnancy and childbirth.  My favorite definition for doula is that of the protector of the birth space.  Simply put, doulas love birth and trust that it is a normal, natural and instinctive process that should be honored and respected. Doulas are hired by expecting parents to help create a positive birth experience and make sure their wishes are honored.  Studies have shown that having a doula present can reduce the length of your labor and reduce the need for medical interventions. What kind of training does a doula have? There are several organizations that provide training...
This has been a topic of much debate in my house recently. I am burning up with baby fever despite the fact that 18-month-old Jack still keeps me very much on my toes. I remember the first time that someone with a child about the same age as ours announced a new pregnancy, I was filled with panic on her behalf. No WAY could I imagine adding a new baby to the mix already. But my own mom had my sister when I was only 13 months old and somehow we all survived. Lately, I've been thinking that maybe a new baby wouldn't be so terrifying after all. Assuming that you're able to make the decision intentionally and not...
Raising teenagers is hard. It always has been, and I’m afraid it always will be. With each generation comes its’ own set of issues. It’s crazy how far we’ve come in the last 20 years as far as technology alone is concerned. When I was in middle and high school, there were no cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Heck, most people didn’t even have internet in their homes until I was in college. It’s a new day, folks. It can be scary thinking about raising preteens and teenagers in the digital age, where it seems like everyone has access to your sweet baby. Believe me, we’re totally there at the Lawrence house. The thought of people I don’t know...
I get a stomach ache every time I see it…someone looking at their phone from behind the wheel.  My mind races with questions like, “Don’t they realize how dangerous that is?”, “Don’t they care about their own safety/livelihood?”, and “Don’t they know my kids are in the car next to them?!” My unanswered questions quickly lead to frustration.  To avoid having my frustration turn into anger, I try to stop and ask myself, “are you 100% focused on your driving 100% of the time?”  The honest answer is no.  While I may have signed the “It Can Wait”, as well as Oprah’s “No Phone Zone” pledges, committing never to text and drive, that doesn't make me immune to distractions...

A Story of Grace

A cell phone vibrating on the table is how Dr. Horenstein described the heartbeat of our unborn child. These words echoed in my soul as we drove to the Heart and Vascular Unit of Memorial Hospital. We were embarking on a journey which would surely leave a mark of grace in its midst. My husband and I moved from Birmingham, Alabama to inner-city Houston in March of 2009, following the urgent call to be on mission for the sake of the gospel. Shortly after this decision, it was clear we should pursue starting a family. Yet, twenty-five weeks into our first pregnancy, we found ourselves sitting in room 408 of the Intensive Critical Care Unit awaiting some semblance of hope from...

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Around Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

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