So much negative has happened recently in the world. There has been so much death and tragedy. The news and Internet is full of loss and fear-provoking heartache. With all of that, the judgment, ridicule, and finger-pointing begin. I have read the most horrendous, judgmental things in the last few weeks and not only is it unnecessary, it is pointless and uncalled for.
Instead, let's just be grateful.
When I say "be grateful," I am not talking about feeling blessed by your house or your car. Those are nice things and we should be proud to own them, but we should be grateful for more than our possessions. Let's be grateful for our marriages. Let's be grateful for our families. Maybe...
To the children that lost their daddy last night. This is for you.
As I read the report and see the photos of your daddy from last nights' event, my heart crumbles for you. It crumbles into a sad dark place that you, your siblings and your friends ... all of our children are being raised in.
This morning, I watched as you cried at that press conference while your mamma spoke and it made me want nothing more than to scoop you up, hug you tight and cry with you. I wanted so badly to squeeze you, let you cry in my arms ... so badly I wanted to tell you everything was going to be ok. But it's not.
We are excited to announce the start of a new series: REAL TALK with Red Stick Moms. In this series, we are hoping to tackle some topics that are on our minds and hearts as we raise our children and navigate the everyday. This is for the day-to-day life stuff… the things we think on a lot but don’t always have the space to share about. We are hoping to get the conversation started and then open up the discussion to YOU! So read our thoughts, share your own, and join us on this crazy, uncertain, but amazing road of motherhood.
Today's Real Talk topic is on family vacations and who you choose to spend them with. Is quality time...
We are excited to announce the start of a new series: REAL TALK with Red Stick Moms. In this series, we are hoping to tackle some topics that are on our minds and hearts as we raise our children and navigate the everyday. This is for the day-to-day life stuff... the things we think on a lot but don't always have the space to share about. We are hoping to get the conversation started and then open up the discussion to YOU! So read our thoughts, share your own, and join us on this crazy, uncertain, but amazing road of motherhood.
Today's Real Talk topic is on structured activities for kids, especially younger kids under the age of 8. As a society, it...