
Tag: self-care

STOP the Toxic Relationship with … YOURSELF

“I look tired and feel fat.” “I have no energy and still have so much to do.” “Everyone else seems to have it all...

Over the Hill in Baton Rouge :: Embracing 40

I’m 2 months away from turning the big 40. You know, the official “over the hill” and entrance into that new phase of “feeling...

How to Hack your Confidence and Productivity by Tracking your Cycle

Shark week. Aunt flow. Code Red. That time of the month. Whatever you call it---it’s your menstrual cycle. After learning about the menstrual cycle...

Bubbles: The Chaos and the Calm?

Yes, this is a post about bubbles, the often demanded, universally loved by toddlers, almost guaranteed to be spilled, bottle of soapy water with...

A Mom in Search of a Hobby

I went to an allergist appointment a while back and he asked me a series of questions about home, work, and life. They were...