The Best Breakfast Casserole Recipe for Christmas Morning

Editors Note :: We love that you found this post and we are hoping this is the breakfast casserole of your holiday dreams! If you are looking for other resources we hope you will check out Baton Rouge Holiday Fun, The Best Baton Rouge Holiday Lights and if you do not want to cook check out Baton Rouge Holiday Catering options! 

The Best Breakfast Casserole Recipe for Christmas Morning

If you have kids that are picky eaters, then you know that we have to find creative ways to make sure that they receive the proper nutrition that they need daily. It can be hard because Maison doesn’t like certain types of meat, and Ahmad doesn’t like certain types of veggies. One doesn’t like this type of cereal and the other don’t like bread. Can you imagine my grocery bill, and how sometimes I am cooking two types of meals?

Well for the Thanksgiving holidays, I made my breakfast casserole and they both love it! Now I have had this casserole for a few years, but to my amazement they truly enjoyed it. I will share the ingredients and have pictures attached as well. You can add and take away as you please. The main ingredients are tater tots, any source of precooked breakfast meat, shredded cheese and eggs. Use a casserole dish, cooking spray, and to bake on 350 degrees


Tater tots
Turkey bacon or turkey sausage
6 organic eggs
3 tablespoons of organic milk
Shredded cheese 


First, I preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Then I spray the casserole dish with cooking spray. I cooked my choice of meat and drained the grease, putting the meat to the side to cool off because you will have to crumble the meat into pieces to spread over the tater tots. I lined the casserole dish with tater tots – as many as you can fit! Also, while waiting for the meat to cool, you can mix eggs with organic milk. You can use the milk of your choice would like.

Now the meat should be cool. Break or crumble into pieces, then spread it all over the tater tots. If your kids like meat then don’t be afraid to pile on the meat. I normally have veggies but my kids don’t like spinach, bell peppers, and onions. So, for those who love veggies please add to your liken. Believe me, it is really amazing.

After piling on the meat, (the veggies go next), then pour the egg mixture and finally pile the shredded cheese over the eggs. Cover with foil paper so it can cook evenly and place into the oven to cook for 1 hour. Now for me, I always check on it with 45 minutes to make sure its cooking evenly. When the eggs have fully cooked then it is ready. Take out once cooked and enjoy!

Lana Newble
Lana is a single mother of one, Entrepreneur, Spiritual Life Coach, aspiring author of soon to publish two books. Zumba Instructor, Owner of Love Your Body by Lana body contouring Co-manager of Airbnb Condos here in Baton Rouge. I was a travel nurse who is currently working for Ochsner Home Health. I am a social butterfly and I love bug. I love to love. I was born and raise in Lake Charles La, my favorite baseball team is Boston Red Sox, LSU and basket ball team is Boston Celtics, LSU. My son name is Maison and he is 9 years old he loves soccer, basketball and martial arts. Who wants to design shoes.



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