
Krista is a single momma to 3 wonderful littles! She has a six-year-old autistic son, a five-year-old daughter who suffers from a seizure disorder, a very lively three-year-old son, and uses these experiences to support and encourage other mothers in raising their children. She is a homeschooler turned public schooler (probably turning homeschooler again at some point) and devotes much of her time to researching the art of learning which leaves her passionate about helping other mothers become involved in their children’s education. A bookworm with a personal library boasting close to 1,000 books, she is in the process of authoring several books to add to the world’s collection. She uses her blogging at The Mommy Calling as a ministry to encourage, inspire, and share her heart with other moms. Her life also includes her work with the local human trafficking epidemic and working with women around the world to promote a healthy view of motherhood, homemaking, and homeschooling. Krista’s goal is to, first and foremost, spend each day living life with her children. She has vowed to live each and every day with all-out purpose and passion, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary!

The Truth About The Homeschooling Mom

Homeschooling. I just lost about half of the readers with this one word, but I'm here to clear the air about a few things: A) I am not more awesome than the "average" mom. B)...

Sometimes I “Fake” It: Keeping it Clean

I am perhaps the worst housekeeper ever, of my own home that is. I grew up in a home where everything had its place; the floors were vacuumed and mopped daily, and dusting was...

Single Mom In Search Of Friendship

Supporting the single mom. It's hard to be there for someone when you don't know how and when you don't "have time." I lost a lot of friends when I became a single mom, but...

Homemade for the Holidays

I REALLY love to craft. However, as a homeschooling single mom to 3 kids I have very little time. (Don't we all?) This year, I have hatched a plan to get my 5, 4,...

A Run Around Town

I absolutely love to be outdoors! Whenever I have a free moment sans kids, I like to take advantage of the chance to run off the frustrations I face each day as a single, stay-at-home,...