
Samantha is a newer resident to Baton Rouge having moved here with her sweet boy Holden in 2011. Her love for blogging grew when she began writing about life as a twenty-something single mom, and her personal blog became an outlet for inspiration throughout her journey of vulnerability, shame, forgiveness, personal growth, and the joy of motherhood. Having an undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of Notre Dame, years later she decided to pursue a masters in counseling from LSU, and she is now in practice at Legacy Behavioral Health of Louisiana, LLC. For Sam, it is privileged work to walk alongside someone during times of difficulty and confusion and join with towards wellness and empowerment, a process in which she has found a personal capacity to understand. She has recently gotten married to the love of her life, Nick, or “Kick” as Holden re-named him, native of New Orleans, and together they raise Holden, now almost 5 years old, on a little slice of the country in St. Gabriel. When spare time isn’t being spent as superheroes hunting for bugs and monsters while keeping from falling in hot lava, Sam enjoys friends, running, painting, reading, and fundraising. For Sam, being a mother continues to be a limitless experience of unconditional love, laughter, and life lessons.

Family Game Night

With the constant hustle that is life these days, quality family time can be quite a challenge. Yet it is essential in order for the family to thrive and bond. Work here, school there, lessons, practices, and...

Growing Up at the Box

Spring time in Baton Rouge can only mean one thing in my house: baseball season. We can practically smell the hot dogs in anticipation. This time of year always creates a plethora of emotions among...

Starting a Family When I Already Have One

“So when are you two going to have a baby?” It’s a question we hear on a regular basis. I’m not offended by it (I think), for I often ask myself the same thing. And...

One Mom’s Gentle New Year’s Resolution: To Try

I’m not about to rattle off my list of unattainable expectations for myself for 2016. Am I totally opposed to New Year’s Resolutions? No. Sometimes it takes some goal-setting to turn a new leaf in...

How to Share the Holidays: Tips for Families of Divorce/ Separation

I am not a child of divorce, but my son is. This is a lifestyle that has become new and unfamiliar to me. Heartbreaking at times. It has its moments. I am learning as the...