Dear Single Moms in Baton Rouge, We are a little over a month into the new year, and reflecting on life seasons and growth is often helpful in motivating ourselves for what the year has to offer. I was a single mom for three years, and when I think back to my moments as a single mom, several words come to mind that describe me at that time: survivor, warrior, worrier, depleted, and lonely. I had the most wonderful gift in the world, my baby girl, but with the blessing came immense challenges. At the time, I was the only single mother at the job that I worked, so my work ethic and performance had to rival those with much more resources,...
It's Tough To Hear, But It's True :: Grandparents Have Earned Their Opinions I’ll start by saying that this article is written with a humble, grateful heart. When I think about all that my parents have done to foster the growth and development of my daughter, I cannot help but form tears of thankfulness and immense appreciation. It has been a journey to get to the place of sincere recognition for my parents’ efforts, and I write to hopefully help others feel the same.   Let’s start from the beginning. You see, I was almost thirty-two when I had my daughter. Well settled into my career, financially responsible, educated, with a promising future, my life was on a path towards executive leadership...
When is the last time that you spent uninterrupted, quality time with your kiddo? Let me clarify before you answer. Not you doing something and your kiddo is there with you, not both of you on screens but in the same proximity, not riding in the car listening to music or the radio… I mean quality time. Time where you bond on a deeper level, where distractions are not allowed, conversation is purposeful, and your kiddo is your number one focus. Why is this so important? Isn’t observing your child’s behavior, spending time together (even though you’re multitasking in that time), and reassuring your kids that you will always be there for them when they need, good enough? After all, our...
Instant Gratification Junkies :: Are We Raising Them?? I want what I want, and I want it NOW! Our lives are consumed with needs and wants, and for the most part, our society makes it pretty easy to obtain things quickly. Do any of these below sound familiar? Hungry and don’t have time to cook? There are drive-thru’s, gas station foods, and microwaves for that. Having a bad day at work and need some release? That’s what happy hours provide. Bored and need some entertainment? That’s exactly what scrolling through social media delivers. Kid throws a fit and you just need it to stop before you pull your hair out? Just give him what he wants! Emotionally taxing day with nearly unbearable...

I’m The Weird Mom

The Weird Mom Being a mom is rough.It's the understatement of the century, but it's true. The Mommy Wars, where everything is a competition, just serves to make it harder.But I want to pinpoint the Mommy Cold War. I'm the weird mom. When attending things for my kids, I'm a wallflower, because I don't want my inability to human like a normal adult to affect my kids. I'm terrible at small talk, because I will inevitably try to participate, which will in turn result in an awkward silence where people make polite noises and continue as though I'm not there.Things are a little better once folks have acclimated to me, but the sad fact is we are tribal creatures, and I tick...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...