Toddlers are adorable, toddlers are magical, and toddlers love everything.
They also tend to be destructive to themselves, their siblings, and the homes they reside in.
So here are some ideas for toddlers that are not a passive-aggressive message of revenge to their tired, hardworking parents.
- Tonies
- Happy Nappers (They are Cringey COLORFUL, but kids do appreciate an infomercial they have memorized. Marketing works, Disney Jr.)
- Kitchen
- Doll Changing Table Station
- Garden center
- Arcade
- Tent
- Kids Lounge Chair
- Bike
- Folding Wagon
- Squishies
- Costumes
- Fishing Pole
- Educational Toy
- Rocket Launcher
- Light-up Tracing Pad
- Dinosaur Eggs
- Mess-free Markers
- Magnetic Tiles
- Spill-proof sippy cups (preferably the brand they already use. You can never have enough sippy cups.)
- Non-glitter Bath Bombs
Ask toddlers. They will tell you. Do they love:
- Frozen
- Cocomelon
- Spider-Man
- PJ Masks
- Paw Patrol
- Bubble Guppies
- Mickey Mouse and friends
- Encanto
- Butter Beans
- Disney Princesses
- Bluey
- Sesame Street
- Pokémon?
If they do, open your Amazon app. Nothing is more thrilling than matching a child with a toy that features their favorite character.
Random side note- keep siblings in mind. Although a five-year-old would love an intricate jewelry-making kit, their one-year-old brother would not.