I WORK from Home

I am a work from home mom. I also work from my car, the bath, in between “My Little Pony” movies, at the gym (if I make it), and everywhere in between. When I was pregnant, I saw the cost of childcare. I was flabbergasted and thought, I will just work from home. I thought it would be that simple. I realize that many others think it is just that easy too. You see my feed with playtimes and scheduling playdates. You don’t realize that I am just trying to make sure that my child gets some resemblance of playtime and I can tune out to answer calls. You don’t know that those pictures happen because I don’t want you to know that I cry in the bathtub or when I wake up because I am so tired. 

My husband is gone 50% of my family’s life. He’s a pilot and when he’s gone, he’s gone. This means the girls and I work on a 50/50 schedule and two different set of norms. It means I stack work on the weeks he’s home and work from Chick-fil-A, play places, and anywhere I can bring my toddler with me when he’s not. I stay up till the wee hours of the morning scheduling e-mails to go out and hitting deadlines, but yet I still hear from other moms “Well some of us have to work,” when I talk about our trips to play places and beyond during the day. It stings a little every time. 

This sting has obviously stuck with me to the point that now it’s a punch. The hustle, exhaustion, and ultimate burn out you don’t see. Currently I run a small marketing and PR firm, do custom paintings for clients, and I am launching a skincare company in two different markets. I am super fortunate to be successful and will give something up as life permits. The hustle now is stronger as I pivot from one industry to the next; I know that this phase will pass. So as I take you on two days of my life (a typical day when my husband is not home and a day when he is) know that I see the light. I see how lucky I am. I just want you to know that mompreneur isn’t just a cute hashtag, it’s a hustle just like yours.

Husband on tour :: typical work day (in town)

6:30am – Birdie wakes me up by staring at me weirdly from the side of my bed. 

6:40-7:15am – I try to squeeze in 30-40 more minutes of sleep by putting on a cartoon or movie.

7:15-7:40am – Breakfast, e-mails, lunch packed, take a call while washing dishes and pray the person on the other end doesn’t hear the water running. 

7:40-8:30am – Get dressed between the multiple costume changes of a toddler. Argue about seasonally appropriate clothing. Manage to swipe some mascara on and bribe her with something so I can just pee in peace for 5 minutes. 

8:30-8:45am – Start the daily struggle to put on shoes and get in the car. Realize the dog is still out and coax him inside with a treat. Lock door (I think). Head out. Realize we forgot something and pull back in the driveway, head out again. 

9:00am – Out of the carpool for MDO program (on the days we don’t have this, it’s off to Java Mama or Chick-fil-A). 

9:30am – 12:30pm – Cram an 8 hour day into 3 hours and pray Birdie takes a nap because I didn’t get finished. 

12:30-1pm – Carpool line e-mails, phone calls, scheduling, etc. 

1:30pm – Arrive back at house and attempt to snack, play, and prepare for nap. 

2:30pm – Begin nap struggle

3:30pm – Naptime! Sit down to answer e-mails and finish a project. 

3:40pm – 12 year old walks in the door hungry, not ready to do homework, and all around pre-teen

4:15pm – Stacks of homework and an assignment pad to go through. 

4:45pm – Sit back down and try to figure out where I was in e-mails and projects. 

4:46pm – Toddler awake from nap hungry and wanting to go outside and play. Squeeze in 1o minutes more of work while toddler sits on my lap or colors my planner. 

5:30-9pm – Dinner, general home destroying, tons of playing, trying to answer the influx of text messages and questions about work sent today. Phone ringing. Pre-teens mom arriving to pick her up. Bath time. Put toddler down. 

9:30pm – I get bathed and wish I could go climb in bed. 

10pm-2am – Answer all the e-mails and work on graphics for new campaign. Schedule posts, look at tomorrow. Plan the trip to Houston and launch parties. Feel an immense amount of guilt that I didn’t pay enough attention to my girls and that I cut my husband (or friend) off on the phone.

2-6:30am – Sleep. Rinse. Repeat. 

Husband home :: typical work day (in town) 

6:30am – Birdie wakes me up by staring at me weirdly from the side of my bed. 

6:40-7:15am – I try to squeeze in 30-40 more minutes of sleep and hubs takes toddler downstairs and gets oldest ready for school. 

7:15-8:00am – E-mails and lunch packed

8:00-8:40am – Take shower and possibly look presentable before I leave the house for a day of meetings.

9am – Aim to leave the house. When my husband is in town, I schedule all client meetings and conference calls. 

9-4pm – Back to back meetings on various sides of town. 

5pm-7pm – Usually return home to cook dinner and eat with family. Try to stay in my lane as the step-parent and not overstep my boundaries. This is a struggle for me. I have mentioned it before here.

7:15-9pm – Hop on all conference calls that I can. 

9pm – Realize I have missed all family time and guilt commences. 

9:30pm – Bath maybe, bed maybe*, more work till midnight maybe**

*10:00pm – If my hubs and I climb in bed, I try to muster the energy to be intimate or cuddle or even have an adult conversation. 

**10:00-Midnight – Work on e-mails, deadlines, etc that I didn’t wrap up during the day. Start new projects because I have help this week. 

I see you.

So to my mamas working out of the home and from home, I see you. I see your guilt that is too heavy for you to carry. I see you crying when you drop your child off or because you snapped for no reason. I see you not eating breakfast and praying they don’t eat all their dinner so you can snag a fry because you forgot to cook something for you. I see you, Mama. I know you are doing the best you can. You Mama, you’re my people. So if you want to work together as we utilize that Chick-fil-A playplace and free wifi for hours on end, let me know. I’m here.

Whitney is a born and raised Louisianian. Her passions lie in playground sports, keeping a messy home (much to the dismay of the husband), drinking lots of caffeine, dancing in the kitchen, getting (well trying to get) her booty in shape, and making people smile. She devotes her time to three things that fall very close to her heart: her little family, her weenie pup, and the urge to never stop creating. She married to a gentlemen that is her opposite. He though a pilot, is firmly grounded while she spends most of her time with her head in the clouds. She is a step-mom and mom of two girls, and finds motherhood is a bizarre dichotomy of grace and chaos. As a family they make life work with amazingly creative grilled cheese sandwiches, streamers, Steen's Syrup, and maybe a bubble bath. Each day she chases paper rainbows and lives the southern narrative.


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