My Favorite “Me Time” Indulgences

Alone time as a parent is rare. When it’s granted, we cherish it oh so preciously and do all the things we wish we could do if we didn’t have kids. We love our kids, but we also love the act of self-care and indulging in some “me time” every once in a while. It’s good for the soul, as well as the rest of the family.

Sometimes we desperately need or want a break from our kids, but when they’re gone, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. Here is a list of my favorite “me time” indulgences.


Can we get an AMEN? With kids running us rampant, sometimes a good nap or a morning to just sleep in is all I want to do. Sleep never became so valuable until I became a parent. 


Running is like my “refresh” button. When I start to feel stressed or even tired, I run it out. It releases any anxiety or frustrations I’m dealing with and clears my mind. It’s my time to think and focus on my top priorities. Everyone needs an outlet, for me, it’s hitting the pavement. I like to run the LSU lakes and will drive 30 minutes from my house JUST to have the beautiful landscape to take in as I go. If you’re not a runner, I encourage you to walk them. Grab a friend and catch up as you stroll down the street gazing at the beautiful houses.

Coffee and a Book

There’s nothing I love more than coffee. It awakens me in a way that nothing else can – probably because of the caffeine. Hah! After a good night’s sleep and an awesome morning run, there’s nothing better than hitting up my favorite coffee shop (The Whistle Stop in Denham Springs) to grab a latte and sit down to enjoy a good book. Just me, my coffee, and my book – pure bliss.


Going to my favorite stores can sometimes be therapeutic. I love to go to Target, Home Goods, Hobby Lobby, Trader Joe’s, TJ Maxx, Ulta, and Barnes and Nobles. If I ever have free time, I’ll just stop in to “have a look-see” to browse the shelves and other times I’ll “let go and let God” and somehow end up with lots of unnecessary things in my buggy against my will (ok kidding)! 

Bath Time

Literally my favorite time of the day. Scorching hot water, Dr. Teal’s Lavender Bath Salts and Bubble Bath, candles, and my favorite playlist. I’ve been known to relax in the tub so long my water gets cold, I drain some, and add more hot water. It’s usually where my best ideas come to mind and my best singing voice shines through; however, my daughter will probably disagree.


If I’m alone, sometimes I’ll order my favorite dish from my favorite restaurant to-go and eat it ALL TO MYSELF. No sharing, no eating in private to avoid the family from “wanting a bite”, no disguising the leftovers as a container full of Brussel sprouts. It’s all mine. And I will savor every bite. I’m not the type of person who likes to eat alone in a public place, so I’ll take it home and enjoy it in the comfort of my pjs on the couch.


Of course with food in one hand and remote in the other, nothing compares to a night (or day) full of binge-watching your favorite TV show. Even if your “me time” is short, squeeze in an episode, you deserve it. Turn off your brain for a while and just relax. A few of my favorites: Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, Parks and Rec, Gilmore Girls, Friends, You, and Criminal Minds. If you have Prime, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is a MUST-SEE!

We, as parents, cannot function properly when we’re running on fumes. Know that it’s ok to take some time for yourself and indulge. That doesn’t mean you have to go out and spend a ton of money. Do what helps you rest, relax, and refocus. When you are at your best, you can give your family your best.

Brooke Bajon
Brooke was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and grew up in Denham Springs. She attained a degree in English from Southeastern Louisiana University. After she graduated, she went on to become an English teacher to a variety of different age levels. Brooke is a single mother whose number one priority is to guide her beautiful eight-year-old daughter, Kameron, through a Christ-centered life. Some of her favorite things to do are run the LSU lakes, go to festivals around the area, and drink an immense amount of coffee! Travels, adventures, and weekend getaways are a necessity to balance out her busy and often-times chaotic life!


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