It’s not about “having time” – It’s about “making the time”
Time. There never seems to be enough of it in a day. If only I had more hours in a day, then I would be able to accomplish everything I wanted and needed to do.
How is it that we have the same amount of hours each day, but some days seem to fly by and others drag on?
I found myself venting to a friend about not having enough time to get all the things done, she listened to me complain about my family’s crazy schedule, and then she started smiling and almost laughing at me. I was hurt. I asked her why she was laughing at me feeling overwhelmed; I certainly didn’t find anything funny about it.
She looked at me and simply said, “Elizabeth, what is important to you?”
I rolled my eyes and quickly started listing off a few things. I wasn’t trying to hear what she was saying, I found myself becoming annoyed.
Seeing my frustration mount, she rephrased the question. She asked me, “What would you do if you had more hours in the day?” This was an easy one, and I rattled off all the things I would do if I had zero time constraints.
She looked me in the eyes and said:
“You make the time for the things that are important to you.”
Mic Drop. She was right. It was that simple. What is important to me? Once I’ve figured that out, I filled my hours with those things first.
The hours in the day won’t change, but how you chose to fill those hours are up to you. All the events, clubs, sports, and people that I thought were important to me, honestly just weren’t. I was giving all my time and energy to an area in my life that wasn’t filling my cup.
If it is important enough, you make the time for it. 24 hours a day/365 days a year – belong to you. Spend your time doing things that bring you joy.