My biggest boy, my first born, my little big man …. in just a few days, you will start Kindergarten. Gulp. I’m still not sure how we’re here already. Feels like yesterday we were napping together in the rocker and you had alllll those precious rolls. Now you’re a cool little man. You are a whole hand old! You ask to wear a belt and fix your hair. You love dinosaurs and building Legos and doing science experiments. You said just the other night that you want to be a teacher when you grow up. Gosh, I miss the baby you were, but I am really looking forward to getting to know the little boy you’re becoming. Excuse me while I go cry in my closet….
Honestly though, as emotional as it can be, I’m excited. Excited for you to make new friends. Excited that you’re excited to ride the bus (no carpool line!) I can’t wait to help you with your homework and watch you learn to read. I know you will make me proud. You always do.
I know you’ll have some bad days and make some not so good decisions too. That’s okay. We all have those days. You will learn so many new things and grow in so many ways.
I hope you remember the things we’ve tried to teach you at home. Be humble and kind to others. Be the kid that reaches out to the classmate who looks sad or scared. Be respectful. Respect others and respect yourself. Remember that the easy way isn’t always the right way. And don’t forget to have fun of course!
I am going to miss not having you around the house all the time…especially our one-on-one time when all your little brothers are napping (But I may enjoy the peace and quiet for just a bit). I’ll always be here for you and support you in any way I can, but you’re ready. Go out and explore the world.
I miss you already. Love, Mom