Fostering Healthy Body Acceptance In Your Teen Daughter Teaching a young girl how to accept and love her body starts with her mother. You will be a mirror to either her strengths or her insecurities. It's up to you to decide which she will reflect on. She will already be bombarded with the unattainable world of filters, advertising, TikTok videos, and the latest internet celebrity. She will hear the gossip of peers calling out the too fat, too thin, too tan, not tan enough, too tall, too short, anything too much, making her feel less than. But you momma, can lessen the damage of these things. Never Criticize Yourself in Her Presence Momma I'm with you. I've got pounds to lose. There...
child- let them play

Let Them Play

Let Them Play I used to be that mom. The mom with an arsenal of baby wipes and wet washcloths at the ready, constantly wiping faces and feet and God forbid they wear those brand new shoes outside. Oh you want to catch bugs and lizards? Um, how about no. Then I came to my senses. Gone were the days when I really gave a second thought to my children playing in the mud, exploring the sights and sounds around them, and just being kids. Slowly and surely I was letting that part of my ever present helicopter parenting go and I couldn’t be happier. Kids are curious by nature, I was done with hindering that curiosity. I stopped hovering, I stopped being...
Preparing Kids For A Move Moving is a big event. It is stressful and overwhelming and tiresome...for adults. Imagine what it does to a kid. I moved a lot as a kid and I was not a fan. When we decided it was time to start looking for a new home I wanted to be sure our kids were involved (as much as they could be) in the process. Starting the Process I think it is important to have the kids as involved as they can be for their age(s). When we went to look at houses we brought both of our kids with us. Partially out of lack of baby sitter and partially because it will be their home too. We...
Family Friendly TV :: Percy Jackson And The Olympians On Disney+ Looking for a fun, family-friendly TV series that is actually entertaining for both kids and adults? Look no further than Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Based on the YA novels of the same name, with heavy involvement from author Rick Riordon, the Disney+ series follows the story of young Percy Jackson and how his life changes when he learns he is a demi-god because his dad is a Greek god. As a result, Percy is thrust into a world of myths and monsters; finds friends (Annabeth and Grover) and enemies, and learns some important life lessons along the way. The target audience for both the books and the series is...
Raising Parents And Kids :: What I've Learned In the intricate tapestry of life, many find themselves caught between two profound responsibilities: the nurturing of their own growing children and the caring embrace extended towards aging parents. As we embark on this dual journey, the dynamics of parenthood take on a multifaceted richness, weaving together the joys and challenges of guiding two generations. This article delves into the complexities and rewarding experiences that come with simultaneously raising kids and being a caregiver for your parents. Raising kids and caring for aging parents is an embodiment of the circle of life. From sleepless nights with newborns to sleepless nights with elderly parents, the roles we play evolve but are deeply interconnected. It's...

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A MUST Visit :: Amour Cafe and Co.

A MUST Visit :: Amour Cafe and Co. Do you like coffee, books, waffles? What about a fun aesthetic and a chill vibe? Or maybe...
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