
Red Stick Mom Guest Author

Red Stick Mom Guest Author
Are you interested in being a guest contributor for Red Stick Mom? If you're local and you're a mom (or have awesome and relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! Email us at info (at) redstickmom (dot) com.

Life After the Flood {A Victim’s Road to Inner Recovery}

It’s a weird feeling- grieving your home and all that was in it. It’s almost like losing a loved one. At first, you don’t really believe you’ve lost them. It just doesn't quite sink...

Dear Grandparents {Alternative Gifts to Plastic}

Let me preface this post with a few important points. I absolutely know that there are more "important" issues in the world, and I am so deeply aware that many children struggle to have...

Tips for Handling Your Mortgage in a Flood or Disaster

We have all heard the statistics and numbers by now. We are aware that there are +20,000 displaced from their homes, mass devastation, and so very many losses. As the cleanup starts and folks...

To The 90 Percent, From The 10 Percent

To: The 90 Percent From: The 10 Percent I sit here feeling more emotions than my mind can comprehend, one of those feelings being guilt. Guilt for being one of the very few who were spared...

Resources and Information for the Louisiana Flood Victims

South Louisiana, specifically Baton Rouge (and surrounding areas) and Lafayette, have been devastated by the recent flooding. In an effort to share the most up to date information for our Red Stick Mom Blog...