
Jenny lives with her husband, Joel, and their sons, Judah and Jonas, in Zachary, a suburb north of Baton Rouge. She works part-time as an editor and her favorite part of the week is when she gets to exchange her pencil skirt for yoga pants and pretend to be a SAHM for a few days. When she’s not toting her sons around town or saving her toddler's life one head dive off the couch at a time, she is designing invitations, stationery, and logos for local moms, brides, and professionals. Jenny’s been married since 2007, and she and Joel welcomed Judah into their lives in April 2012 and Jonas in March 2015. She loves to squeeze in as many date nights as possible and spends her free time chronicling her family’s adventures and recent designs on her personal blog, the Gilberts.

Thank You to the Many Faces of #CajunRosies

We all have come to know the distinct hashtag #CajunNavy. They were the brave men going to great lengths and measures, putting their own lives at risk, to rescue the thousands of people trapped...

Breastfeeding Did Not Make Me Skinny

Disclosure :: World Breastfeeding Week is recognized August 1 – 7, 2016. This year, the World Breastfeeding Week theme is about how breastfeeding is a key element in getting us to think about how to value our...

Appreciating Dad

Sometimes I think dads get a bad rap. After all, they are just a bunch of couch-loving, tech-crazed, incompetent, glorified babysitters that we put up with on a day-to-day basis, right? Thankfully, most dads...

Let’s Talk About Something

Every night as I tuck my oldest son into his bed, he looks up at me with the same question, “Can we talk about something?” Some nights it's easy to say yes, but in...

Trusting Your Mommy Gut Over Mommy Blogs

I know it’s a bit hypocritical to say what I’m about to because I write for a mom blog, but just hear me out when I tell you, “Stop reading so many parenting blogs!” Wait,...