A Journey in Co-parenting {The Every Other Weekend Heartache}
I recently read that 50% of America's children will see their parents divorce. That one statement hit me like a ton of bricks, but sadly I can relate. I was raised in a divorced...
Dear Mother of My Future Student : Some Things I Want You to Know….
Dear Mother of my future student,
Summer is drawing to an end and a new school year is upon us. The smell of freshly waxed floors and sharpened pencils fills the air as I sit...
8 Things I am Reminded of Every Summer Break with My Kids
By trade, I'm a teacher. But my real job is "momma" to three amazing, stinky boys. I absolutely love teaching, but by the time May rolls around I'm craving those long, lazy summer days that...
Kids With Special Needs are NOT Given to Special People
Kids With Special Needs are NOT Given to Special People
I have had the pleasure of being a momma to a child with special needs for seven and a half years, my dear Connor. In...