
Kodi Wilson

Kodi Wilson
Kodi is a native of the Wild West and has moved around since her college days, where she met her husband, Brad. She graduated with honors from Wichita State University with a Bachelor’s in Sports Administration, and minors in both Marketing and Communications, just a two classes shy of a double degree. She married her husband in July of 2000. She has had professional experiences in sports management, corporate incentive travel, event planning, marketing and media strategy, social media and SEO, media sales management, creative directing, business consulting and most recently ministry. She works full time at Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge. She is an avid disabilities advocate, and mom to a terminally-ill medically fragile, technology dependent miracle boy, Braden who is 10. Kodi began her blogging journey at his birth, when they were unexpectedly thrust into the special needs life, sharing their journey with others facing the same road at “Braden Mark Wilson’s Blog: Living with Leigh’s Disease.” She and Brad adopted a beautiful racially mixed daughter at birth, Laila (1). Kodi loves to cook, grill and smoke everything (especially bacon) and has published a cookbook as a fundraiser for her son’s medical fund. She loves the Olympics and all things patriotic.

Experiential Memories :: A New Look at Christmas Gifts

About four years ago a friend and I were discussing our childhood Christmas gifts, and I she challenged me to name 20 gifts I had received as a child. No problem! Or so I...

Teaching Our Children Respect for Police and Authority

We are the ones responsible for our children not showing respect for police or authority figures. I know it sounds harsh, but it's true. All of us have created this environment, where as a...

Helicopter Parents Raise Boomerang Kids

Are you a Helicopter Parent? You just might be raising a Boomerang Kid. If I may, could I please offer you some unsolicited advice? I'd love to tell you the kind of young adult your child...

Why Your Choice to Park in Handicapped is a Big Deal

Let's get real for a second about Handicapped parking spaces. People in wheelchairs (or their caregivers) need several minutes at a time to unload from a vehicle. People with invisible (to you) illnesses may...

I am a HOT {Yoga} Momma Mess

Hey Mommas, I'm just like you. I'm taking care of the kiddos, making sure they get everything they need and tending to my husband. Often that leaves very little time for Momma to take...