Lana Newble

Lana Newble
Lana is a single mother of one, Entrepreneur, Spiritual Life Coach, aspiring author of soon to publish two books. Zumba Instructor, Owner of Love Your Body by Lana body contouring Co-manager of Airbnb Condos here in Baton Rouge. I was a travel nurse who is currently working for Ochsner Home Health. I am a social butterfly and I love bug. I love to love. I was born and raise in Lake Charles La, my favorite baseball team is Boston Red Sox, LSU and basket ball team is Boston Celtics, LSU. My son name is Maison and he is 9 years old he loves soccer, basketball and martial arts. Who wants to design shoes.

Waiting in Love

Waiting in Love Do you find yourself waiting for something in frustration, doubt, fear, and anxiety? Whether it is an answer to a prayer, promotion or raise, career, new baby, a relationship, new vehicle or...

The Best Breakfast Casserole Recipe for Christmas Morning

Editors Note :: We love that you found this post and we are hoping this is the breakfast casserole of your holiday dreams! If you are looking for other resources we hope you will...

It’s Christmas Already

It's Christmas Already Well Ladies, I am excited that Christmas is here! I am a New Years Girl, born on January 1st and for me, this is time where I freely express my love, sentimental...

The Heat Is On :: LSU Vs UCLA 

The Heat Is On :: LSU Vs UCLA Maison was excited yet exhausted. We had just left his football game Saturday morning on our way to the LSU vs UCLA game. It was a family affair,...

Trick Or Treat Apple Game

Trick Or Treat Apple Game It is that time of the year and the costumes are in the store. The candy is on sale and the decorations are falling over on the isle. I know...