Megan Southall
“The Real World” is Here, Now
When I was a student, I remember hearing the phrase "When you get into the real world ... " often. Usually it was followed by some ominous foreboding that the stress or challenge I...
Speaking Confidence :: “What If I Got This?”
Our second child recently made his First Communion. He had spent months preparing for this coming-of-age sacrament at our church and had gotten so nervous about doing it correctly that he cried during a...
Parenting is Hard. So is Life.
At 5:50 this morning, my 4-year-old daughter came into my bathroom and announced that she "didn't really tee the bed, but did." Great. What a way to start the day! I shouted to my...
Welcome Back, Summer Me!
Well, it's no longer "gonna be May!" It's MAY! And this is potentially the most dangerous time to be me (or most teachers, honestly). It's that May-gical time between Spring Break and Summer where...
Dear Thirties: A Love Letter
Dear My Thirties,
First, let me just apologize. For my whole life leading up to this decade, I have been dreading this era. I vaguely remember a TV show called "Thirtysomething" that aired when I...