Megan Wall
All About Barre
After my second son Ben was born (all 9 pounds 14 ounces of him), my body was less than ideal. I had gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy with him, and after he was...
Great Ideas for a Girls Night In
Do you remember when you were in middle school and, like, the best thing ever was to be invited to another girl's house for a sleepover? I used to LIVE for these nights. There...
Making Date Nights a Priority
When my husband and I were first married, we "dated" each other all of the time. Whether we rented movies, cooked a nice dinner, or went to a concert, we definitely enjoyed our time...
How to ENJOY Your Family Vacation
One year ago, when my children were two years old and six months old, my husband and I did the unthinkable: we took our family on a vacation to Disney World. When we told...
Making Books Come Alive at the Red Stick Farmer’s Market
About a year ago, I decided to attempt to teach Matthew, my oldest son, some thematic lessons. You know…D is for Doggie or P is for Pumpkin (or W is for What Was I...