Mother's Day. Such a well deserved day but usually forgotten by the ones who deserve it most.  I can say that I am absolutely guilty of pulling the "Oh, I don't want anything" card when it comes to Mother's Day.  I seem to always find something better money can be spent on, and time with my boys is all that really matters.  But what I'm also guilty of is down right spoiling all the mommas in my life. I absolutely love it!  In my opinion, if most moms are like me and don't see the need for any special treatment, it truly means that much more to be surprised with a little unexpected happy. In our family, we have a lot...
As a mom, it can be exhausting to come home after work or a full day of activities, only to look in the refrigerator and see this… I mean, that’s sad right?! Confession, this is what my refrigerator looks like on Sunday night. Notice the bottle of Pinot trying to make an appearance. While you wouldn't realize it from this picture, over the past few years I’ve been meal planning. I know the idea of meal planning can seem overwhelming at first, but I promise it will save you time, money, and sanity in the long run. Here’s how I do it: 1. Pregame. Survey the refrigerator, and throw out all the old left overs and expired food. Whew, that felt good!...
Here is a simple, all-natural way to dye your eggs this Easter! And it can be done with things you already have around the house. Start a new, beautiful tradition as you follow these steps: 1. Start with a dozen of your sister-in-law's fabulous "home-grown" eggs. (Well, at least my sister-in-law's. I'm lucky.) Aren't they pretty? If you don't have a family member who raises chickens, you can most certainly get a dozen eggs at the grocery store. 2. Take out a pile of onion peels from standard, yellow onions. Just save the skins of the onions you cook with (like I do) or go to a grocery store and ask if you can clean out their onion bins. They'll be...
Scarves.  Goodness gracious I LOVE me some scarves! I remember wearing scarves about 8 years ago teaching junior high students who relentlessly made fun of these funny looking things around my neck.  And I remember telling those shiny little faces, "You don't know warmth until you know a good scarf!" Scarves are still used for warmth, but now are a huge fashion piece!  My scarf hoarding reached its peak last Christmas.  It was a bundle of colors and fabrics and fringe all rolled into a big MESS!!  I set out looking for a way to help me organize these scarves so that I could see them displayed in all their glory.  If you are like me and are tired of rummaging...
Ok mammas, we are talking baby food!  With this post, I want to take you through the ins and outs of my baby food adventures.  The time spent, lessons learned, and the reward at the end of the day. First, a little back story....When I was pregnant with Kade, there were two things I had high hopes for: breastfeeding and making my own baby food.  I wanted to experience the feeling of being able to give my newborn bundle of joy his nutrition, help save a few dollars in our seemingly maxed out budget, and prove to myself that I could actually do it. A month into Kade's little life, lots of trips to the lactation consultant, and a stay in the hospital...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...