Death is rough! No one is ever prepared and it isn’t easy to deal with or talk about.
We lost a significant part of our family this past summer, and as an adult, the feelings that have come with that have been painful and hard to articulate, so for my young children, it must be overwhelming.
I have learned that it is important to discuss what happened and to talk about it. I am in no way an expert, but here are some things that are helping me as I walk with my children through this painful process.
Being Open Right Away. Telling my children shortly after it happened provided them with an explanation for the red eyes and constant tears. Allowing...
If stories of adoption and fostering in Baton Rouge are of interest, there are several great pieces on the website including stories of adoption (here and here), advice on what not to ask an adoptee, and a real life glimpse about what it is like to foster children in Louisiana. If transracial adoption is of specific interest, I'd urge you to read the book "In Their Own Voices" by Rita Simon and Rhonda Roorda.
Transracial Adoption in the Deep South
Buckle your seat belts everybody because I'm about to share about a part of my life that still has some controversy surrounding it: transracial adoption. And I'm going to be as open and as real as I know how to be....
Our house has needed some happiness these past few weeks and we have found it in the Netflix Original Series Queer Eye. We have watched all of the prior seasons as well but Season 6 in Austin, Texas has taught our family some lessons that are now close to our hearts. I love that we can watch this show as a family and we all laugh and I will be honest, I normally get a little teary-eyed.
Here are five lessons The Fab Five taught our family:
Black can make a room look bigger.
Bobby Berk taught us that a black wall in a small space makes the space BIGGER. We have lived our lives thinking that black walls make a space...
Surely, you have all had this moment. You have been juggling this and that for the most part of the week. You’ve either been up with a newborn, chasing a toddler, doing a school project that is due the next day, or stayed up way too late consoling your college student with an issue at hand. You wake up the next morning and repeat. Maybe it’s a different lineup of tasks for the day and throw in a trip to the vet, a “quick” Walmart run or doctor’s appointment or you get that unexpected and dreaded phone call from the school nurse that your child either has or has been exposed to COVID and they have to quarantine!
Now, it...
Work from home they said. It will be easy they said. Some days are blissfully perfect and filled with Teams calls, work emails, and a couple of loads of laundry washing. Other days, I can barely take a moment to run to the bathroom and get a cup of coffee because I am being pulled in eighteen different directions. Working from home has its advantages and disadvantages, if you are wanting to switch to fully working from home, here are some of my pros and cons.
Casual Work Attire I am not even sure I should call it work attire. I live in athleisure clothes 90% of the time. My office slacks have been donated and replaced with at least...