Dear Moms of "typical" kids,
I'm writing this letter because I want you to know a few things about how it feels to be a special needs mom in what feels like a world of moms with typical kids. I want to clear the air on a few things that I think might be weighing on all of our minds. But mostly, I want you to hear a few things from my heart that I've been thinking for the past year following my son's autism and subsequent diagnoses.
Mostly I want you to know that I see you. I can see you hesitate when you are about to celebrate one of your child's accomplishments in front of me, wondering if it...
In the wide world of parenting topics I don't consider myself to be an "expert" (using the term very loosely) at much, but breastfeeding/pumping/working, well I've pretty much mastered! Having nursed my daughter for a little over a year, mostly while working almost full-time, and now doing the same with my son, I've developed my own list of essential items that every pumping momma needs when away from baby.
A great, electric double breast pump. Yea, they are costly but at a price tag cheaper than formula it's worth every penny. Great news, many health insurance plans are now covering the cost of breast pumps! Your pump will be your best friend for many months, and when you are finally...
We all have those things that we said before we had kids- the things we imagined we'd do, say, be. And then when we actually have kids, many of those things change.
Here are 10 things I thought I'd be like as a mom and how they've changed now that I actually am a mom:
1. I thought I was going to be so tough. I had a long list of "my kid will never" and now I'm a total pushover. Sure there are limits, but pretty much if he wants something within an inch of reason, he gets it. Life is short- a grilled cheese is not worth a battle. Plus, I'm pretty sure he waits until he knows I'm most...
Discipline can be a touchy subject among moms. And while all moms have experienced the good, the bad and the terrible when it comes to their children's behavior, every mother has her own tactics for how to discipline her children. Unfortunately, the inevitable tantrum at (insert public establishment here) or the awful morning meltdown that can make even the earliest risers late for school and work is the dread of mothers everywhere. And, as your child is screaming at the top of her lungs in the check-out line, you become the mom who silently judges the behavior of someone else's children and ponders, "How did she get so lucky to have such well-behaved children?"
Well, I'm here to report that good...
Life in the South revolves around food, football, and fun times. And nowhere is this more true than southern Louisiana. These themes continue to ring true when it comes to how we mother. But, bless our hearts, we all have a few Louisiana mom confessions. The Red Stick Mom contributors are no exception. We boldly (and perhaps proudly) confess:
I carry a koozie in my diaper bag.
I bought a two seater bike trailer to bike to college football games even though we only have one kid. The other seat is for our beer.
I put gumbo in the blender so my little one doesn't have to miss out on its goodness.
I picked my kids' names based on how...