Six Silly Arguments Children Have In The Car Let’s go, people, and get in the car. We need to run right down the road to the store. You think to yourself, it is just 10 minutes, we can do this. Wrong! Before you leave the driveway, the competition of who buckled their seatbelt first becomes an argument. Below are the six arguments that I hear on repeat in the car. What day of the week it is—this is a timeless argument. It does not matter what day of the week it is; one will pick any other six days and double down with unmatched confidence that they are right. Who gets to get out of the car first? This is a fun way to...
What I Have Learned From Being the Single Parent Who Makes Less Money As a single mom, I have learned the value of money. I don't need that much to be happy or give my child the things that truly matter. The things that matter to a child can never be bought. While I may not be able to give my child all the material things the other parent who makes more can, I can give the following things: A Listening Ear and Understanding By being the parent that is always there, I truly listen to the changing needs and wants of my child. I know when she is no longer into unicorns, that her music now leans towards heavy metal and...
So, Your Kids No Longer Believe in Santa? :: Here’s How to Still Have a Magical Christmas It seems like kids are learning the truth about Santa earlier and earlier these days due to kids at school, social media, and other influences. Your momma heart so wants to keep the magic and excitement alive. You want to let them enjoy their childhood just a little longer, even if them not believing does give you a break from years of coming up with unique and funny ways to move that darn Elf on the Shelf. So how can you still make magical moments for your child and your family, when Santa is now just a distant apparition? Milk and Cookies Together Maybe you...
The Day Social Services Knocked On My Door Having a baby can be an overwhelming experience; it doesn't matter if it's your first time or your fifth - something unexpected is bound to happen. One such unexpected experience may be a visit from the hospital Social Worker. I had a visit from Social Services after I had both of my kids, so let's clear the air and talk about why she knocked on my door (and may knock on yours). What is a Social Worker? First, let's dispel a few misconceptions. Social Workers do A LOT more than child welfare. In general, they are everywhere, they're in nursing homes and schools, they work for governments at the state and federal levels, hospitals...
Dear Disney, We Need to Talk We recently took our kids to Disney World, and, well, I have some notes. To quote a favorite TV show, “first of all, how dare you?” As a mom in her 40s with young kids (geriatric pregnancies amiright?), I’ve noticed some things about Disney World that the younger parents may not be as aware of. Here is my open letter to Disney, let's hope they can do better.  We stayed on property and while, sure it was convenient and it was nice to get dropped off right at the gates, the hotel room had some issues. Why, why do you have the lights so bright in the bathroom? Before this “vacation,” I knew I had a...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...