A 6 Hour Drive to Austin to Experience a 4th of July Bucket List :: Fireworks on Lake Travis I have never experienced fireworks like the Fourth of July I had in Austin where I rented a kayak and my girlfriend's paddle boards to go out before sunset, to find the perfect location on Lake Travis. There are so many places to rent if you do not have your own. The water was filled with a crowd that consisted of rafts, kayaks, paddle boards and other inflatables. As the sun went down on the water, we enjoyed the beautiful sunset as the crowd decorated themselves with glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces and other light up gear. The Austin...
Disclosure :: this post contains affiliate links. That Four Letter Word :: Lice Lice. The bane of human existence. The dirty word that no one wants to talk about. It finds its way into daycares, summer camps, schools. Research says that twelve million children in the United States get head lice each year. Which often leads to them bringing it home to their whole family. So why are we so hesitant to talk about it? Why is there such a stigma associated with it? Recently, my children got dealt the worst hand. My motherly instincts kicked in high gear as soon as I realized what was happening. A quick email to their pediatrician led to a prescription being sent to our pharmacy...
Quick Roadtrips & First Concerts :: How To Make Precious Memories On A Single Mom Budget You remember Middle School, it's the time when music really starts to resonate with you and you start to relate to the meaning of all those personal lyrics and you drown yourself and your newly developing hormones in solitude and become one with your favorite artist, wearing your air pods or dancing secretly in your bedroom. Nothing is better than this escape and you start to dream of seeing your favorite artist in concert. Seeing your dream concert isn't as accessible these days with the high cost of concert tickets and the rising cost of living, especially as a single mother, but when my daughter...
Taking Back My Power I never did ask for much. Maybe that was the problem. Spending the greater part of my life accepting the bare minimum became my downfall. Trying so hard to fit into preconceived notions just to keep the peace. Never standing up for myself and what I wanted. From the time I was a teenager until my early thirties, I constantly ached for people to just like me that I never went after what I really deserved. But that’s changing. I no longer look for others approval when it comes to my life and how I decide to live it. I walk to the beat of my own drum, and if anyone has a problem with it, oh well....
The Advantages Being an "Older" Mom I wasn't one of those women who had aspirations to be a mother growing up. I blame this on being the oldest of 4 children and not ever really feeling like a child. In the workforce, I would encounter working mothers and had no idea how they did it, working all day and then going home to take care of someone else. It sounded so exhausting. I had devoted my adult life to my career and traveling, but I was always missing something. Fast forward to age 37 when I married a man who had two young daughters and my life forever changed. I fell in love with two little girls, and I loved having a...

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Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge

Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge The holiday season is upon us! In all the chaos, so many of us are...