Dating :: Why Do We Accept The Bare Minimum? I don’t know about you ladies, but I have been single now for almost a year, and honestly, the idea of dating again is daunting to say the least. I’m getting older and my competition is getting younger. I’m a grown woman so I have standards and needs that younger ladies may not have, and overall, I just expect more from someone who wants to court me.Let’s be real though, most of us have been conditioned to just accept whatever bread crumbs these men give us, and I’m just not here for it. Why is it necessary for me to chase behind a grown man? The last time I checked I...
A Single Mom in Law School’s Point of View: When I decided to go to law school, my first thought was how it would negatively affect my parenting, as I have a toddler. I would be in class three nights a week with loads more to do.  The experience has been quite the contrary. Law school is different from any other kind of degree program out there. It has, in its own way, made me an even better mom. After only one semester of law school, there is a lesson that has hit, or rather punched, me the hardest: If you enter a season where your plate will be full for an extended period of time, you must accept that you will...
As soon as I heard about you, I looked you up on Facebook. My heart broke when I saw you’re a mom. I scrolled through your page. While I know everything is not as it seems online, you seem like a nice person. You seem like a good mom. Being a single mom is hard. Trust me, I know. Being a single mom that is balancing romance with mothering is hard. However, being a single mom in a toxic relationship… that’s something I would not wish on anyone. My friends and family want to reach out to you. They want to send you his page on the sheriff’s inmate roster. They want to send you the narrative I wrote to obtain...
If I had a dollar for every time a friend or family member told me they would start a big project soon … I’d be able to get CC’s twice a day. Think about how many times you or someone you know says the following: I’m starting a new diet on Monday. I need an entire day to clean my house because it’s gotten so out of hand. I think I’m going to sign up for the gym next month. I have an idea for a podcast that I’m going to start soon. I spent a ton of money this weekend, but I’m going to eat at home and bring a lunch to work every single day next week. ...
How to be a respectful parent without losing your sh*t? Well, I don’t have the answer to that, but read on if you would like to get a little closer to the answer. First, I’ll open with this TikTok gold that a lot of us can relate to: Second, I’m going to explain the difference between respectful parenting and permissive parenting. Respectful parenting gets a bad rep because it is often confused with permissive parenting. Respectful parenting is treating your child as a human being and connecting with them. After all, you wouldn’t yell at or hit your other family members, co-workers, or friends. It is important to note that it does not entail not disciplining your child. Permissive parenting, on...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...