{FREE} Local Home Depot Kids Workshops

{FREE} Local Home Depot Kids Workshops

Kids love nothing more than doing things they are always told not to.

Banging, hammering, making a mess with paint. It’s a perfect combo for a child. They get to do it all at Home Depot’s Kids Workshops.

The best part for me — it’s not at my house, it’s right in the store. 

If you haven’t tried one yet, you need to.

Building Coordination and Confidence

The free in-store Kids Workshops are the first Saturday of every month, starting at 9 a.m. and running until noon, while supplies last.

Home Depot provides all the materials for children to build a project; in the past they’ve put together trucks, goal posts, pinball machines, and holiday-themed builds.

The next upcoming workshop is scheduled for October 5th, where kids can expect to build a fire rescue truck. You can see and register for any of the next four workshops on their website here.

Free, Local Home Depot Kids Workshops

Towards the back of the store (follow the hammer noises) there will be tables holding kits with instructions and everything you need, even mini hammers, small aprons and lots of paint choices. They’ve even had snacks for the kids when we’ve gone.

It can be loud in there so if your child is sensitive to noise, be aware of that going in. But if you have a child who needs to get some energy out, hand them the hammer and guide them into some creative chaos.

My daughter is more into the process than playing with the final product so that’s why we move ours along after it’s made.

We use this as an opportunity to think about who we can gift our project to which has helped us foster a mentality of thinking of others.

We aren’t a big sports family and recently gifted the goal post to a friend. We drew her a picture in LSU colors, baked some cookies and left the painted project on her door as a fun surprise. My daughter squealed with excitement as we left it on her doorstep and kept saying, “she’s going to be SO surprised.”

The projects make great toys if you do decide to keep yours. 

It’s easy to register. You fill out a few boxes and they email you confirming your registration.

Bonus, they’ve got great Halloween and Christmas decorations up over the next few months if you want to stroll through the store. I always end up needing a screw or light bulbs and use this as my monthly pickup time too.

Happy Building!

Lisette Taylor
Lisette is a former Journalist, as well as a mom to two kids, age 3 and 4 months. Raised in Mesa, Arizona she moved to Baton Rouge for her husband's Anesthesia Program at FranU. She's a foodie at heart, loves to travel and could spend a full day at the pool with a good book.


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