Happy New Year :: What My Resolutions Look Like for 2023

It’s New Year’s Resolution time!

Normally, I would scoff at making resolutions. I mean I’m the same person in 2023 that I was in 2022 but now I see them a little differently. It’s not about spontaneously becoming a new person; it’s appreciating who you are and embracing it, being proud of it, and loving who you are no matter what. (Emphasis on the no matter what.)

Your resolutions don’t have to look like typical plans everyone else may be doing or maybe they should. Here are my resolutions:

  1. Motherhood: being a better parent is important to me. I absolutely love being a mother and there’s no way I could love my children more. I want my children to look back on their childhood as a safe, warm, and nurturing environment. It’s important to me that every day is special. want to encourage my children to find out who they are. But I avoid talking to many people (other than my parents, brother, and close friends) about parenting choices because the “motherhood debates” are generally terrible. This year I will do a better job of encouraging other parents and engaging in more discussions face-to-face. I need some mom play dates.
  2. Daughter: I was truly blessed with two of the most wonderful people in this world as parents. I can’t remember a time they weren’t supportive. It didn’t matter if it was deciding on a major or choosing to dress as a tree or any of my breakups. They have always been there supporting me. This year, I want them to know, to see how grateful I am because of their presence.
  3. Sister: My brother is amazing! He’s extremely solution-oriented so if you’re stuck, he’ll find a solution for you. He’ll send you articles, statistics, and maybe even spreadsheets to you make the right decision. Also, he’s hilarious. Never, ever open a message from him in mixed company. One of the best times in my life was when we bought a house together in New Orleans. He’s an incredible person. I’m lucky to call him brother. This year, I need to start visiting him more. We definitely need to start getting ready for Halloween soon. 
  4. Friend: I have some of the greatest people in my life that I call friends. They’ve seen me at my weakest and at my strongest. They know when I need advice and when I just need a hug. This year, I want to visit as many of them as I can. At the very least, call them more.
  5. Citizen of the world: There are so many issues that I see on a daily basis but I dismiss them due to them being someone else’s responsibility. This year, I’m going to do what I can to help out. I’m not going into much detail because I feel like it means more when it isn’t done for clout. 
  6. Me: I love me. I’m perfectly imperfect and not for everyone. I love hard, I’m curious, and I’m creative. I matter and this year, I want to consider what I need (after my kids) to be happy in this wonderful, colorful, and beautiful life. I will not fade or dim my light to fit in with people. In 2023, I will not allow people to remain in my life who disrespect, belittle, or treat me unkindly. I’ll pray for those at a healthy distance. I love me. I am loved. I deserve love.

Those are my resolutions. They may not look like normal resolutions, but they’re mine. I loved 2022 and I’m hopeful that I’ll love 2023 just as much.

Happy New Year!


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