Melanie McHenry-Leblanc

Melanie McHenry-Leblanc

Mardi Gras Parenting Playbook :: Tips for Parading

Mardi Gras Parenting Playbook :: Tips for Parading Mardi Gras parades are the ultimate test of parenting endurance! Bringing children, babies, and toddlers to the parades can be a fun and exciting experience, but it...

The Ultimate Guide to a Baton Rouge Family-Friendly Valentine’s Day

The Ultimate Guide to a Baton Rouge Family-Friendly Valentine's Day Newsflash: Valentine's Day doesn't have to be just about romantic love! In fact, it's the perfect opportunity to shower our loved ones – kids, spouses,...

Frozen in the Bayou :: Lessons Learned from Louisiana’s Snowstorm

Frozen in the Bayou :: Lessons Learned from Louisiana's Snowstorm As I sit here, sipping my coffee and watching the snowflakes dance outside my window, I'm reminded of the chaos that ensues when snow hits...

Little Krewe, Big Fun :: Tips for Making Mardi Gras Wagon Floats

Little Krewe, Big Fun :: Tips for Making Mardi Gras Wagon Floats Designing Mardi Gras wagon floats for kids is the ultimate test of creativity and patience! As a seasoned wagon float mom, I've learned a...

Sowing Seeds of Kindness :: Family-Friendly Service Projects for Dr. King’s Day

Sowing Seeds of Kindness :: Family-Friendly Service Projects for Dr. King's Day Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy continues to inspire generations to strive for a more just and equitable society. As we celebrate his...