Healthy Snacks For Toddlers

Healthy Snacks For Toddlers

Healthy snacks help manage your little one’s hunger and boost nutrition. Snacks may also help prevent overeating at meals, especially for our picky eaters. Snack time is also the perfect time to add more nutrients to your child’s diet.

When picking out snacks, you should always choose food that are high in fiber and protein. Foods with these nutrients take more time to digest. Fiber comes from vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Protein comes from milk, meats, eggs, nuts, beans, cheese and nut butters.

During snack time, I offer my daughter whole foods that provide energy and nutrition. Some of her favorite snacks are ::

Bananas • are high in potassium and magnesium. They also contain carotenoids that are converted to vitamin A, which is beneficial to your child’s vision. The potassium content in bananas helps grow and strengthen bones.

Yogurt • doesn’t just have an amazing taste but it also offers healthy benefits that are good for your child’s diet. Yogurt is very high in protein, calcium and vitamin b12.

Peanut butter • If your child doesn’t have a peanut allergy, adding peanut butter to your child’s diet is a must. Peanut butter is also a good source of protein, calories and heart-healthy fats which is perfect for our kids. There’s so many ways you can add this to your child’s diet on crackers with jelly on bread or even as a dip with sliced apples.

Applesauce • contains the same amount of fiber as whole apples. This is a perfect sweet healthy treat that your little one will love. My daughter absolutely loves applesauce. I have been making it from scratch since she was an infant.

Some other healthy snacks that would be a good addition to your child’s diet are ::

Healthy Snacks For Toddlers

•Organic puffs
•Granola bars
•Organic whole grain fruit
•Fresh fruit
•Sweet potato
•Banana muffins
•Blueberry muffins
•Avocado toast
•Chopped boiled egg
•Whole grain crackers
•Frozen fruit popsicles
•Carrot sticks
•Trail mix

My daughter is still too little for the original trail mix, so I grab a few of her favorites and mix them together to make our own. She loves it!

What is your toddler’s favorite snack?

Hi, I’m Ronnie! I’m married to my husband Jonovon and we have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. In 2019 I graduated Esthetician School which is where I gained a love for Skincare. When I had our daughter in 2020 and became a stay at home mom, I decided to start a new craft and started making handmade soaps. I soon branched out to making bath bombs and then I later added body butters. I now have a small handmade Skin & Body care business. I love being a Mom and trying new crafts with my daughter. Fun fact,I am also a pageant mom! My favorite things include spending time with my family, watching my favorite shows and Holiday Hallmark movies. I also love trying new recipes and baking.


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