How To Do A Car Wash Fundraiser

How To Do A Car Wash Fundraiser

In every organization, school event, or non-profit you will have a financial need that will arise. Whether it is for uniforms, equipment, travel expenses, building expenses, or a charitable cause. Well as for us, it was a need for uniforms and equipment. I told you that my son had joined a youth football league, and it has been a blessing to us. As I also wrote before I found myself as the leader in everything that I do, well I have been facilitating board meetings, parent meetings, registration, and raising money for the team needs.  

By the grace of God, I have been able to be successful in all those tasks, even more so being able to support my son and all those little boys is rewarding. Some of the boys are a little unfortunate, which has a greater need for raising money so they can be a part of a family not just a team. So, I started doing fundraisers which have been a hit and miss, except for our Car Wash Fundraiser which has been remarkably successful. For our first Car Wash we raised over a thousand dollars, and we are gearing up for the next one. Although it has been an extremely hot, sticky, and wet summer, it is worth doing it.  

Here is how you do a Car Wash Fundraiser :: 

1. Determine the need: It is particularly important to understand what the need is, you and the board members or parents come together to decide which needs to be met. In our situation it was the uniforms and practice equipment. Some of the parents had single income households, and/or grandparents with disabilities who could not afford it.  

2. Set the Financial Goal: Once the need is found, you can set the financial goal. We calculated how much is needed for each player and found a reasonable uniform shop. Then the coaches were able to find football equipment at a reasonable price so that too can be factored into the goal. 

3. Find the Location: The location is everything. It must first be in a safe area, and well visible. Have a building with access to water and empty parking spots so the kids and adults can wash and dry cars off safely. Yet, it also needs to be a well-known spot where there is a steady flow of traffic, so people can see what is going on and support the cause. 

4. Contact the Building Owner: You have found the location, and it looks promising, now you should contact the owner of the building. You will be surprised about how many business owners are looking to give back to the community and help raise funds for a cause. Pitch the owner your story and he will let you know if he/she is available and when. If they say no, do not be dismayed, just keep looking for a building. I had to until I found one and believe me, it has been the best spot. 

5. Select the Date:  Woohoo, you found a building, now select the date. I recommend it on the weekend, especially if you are a working momma. The weekends are easier to manage, and you can get a good start in the morning. Not only that, but there are so many people who are looking to get their vehicles washed after a long week of work and just do not have the energy or desire to do so. They not only get their vehicle cleaned, but also get to donate to a charitable cause. A win-win situation.  

6. Select a time: Setting a four-five-hour window to be out there is a fun time limit. You want to get there early to set up and have enough time to raise the money needed as well as not overly work you and your team. Kids get burnt out very quickly and tend to lose sight of why you are out there for them.  

7. Create the Posters: It’s time to have fun, get the kids involved and let them be creative with creating their own posters. Tell them what the fundraiser is about. And let them go crazy with the drawings and colors. IT GIVES THEM A SENSE OF IMPORTANCE AND A WAY TO EXPRESS THE CREATIVITY. Now that the signs are done and how attractive do they look!

8. Collect the Supplies: What is a carwash without supplies, it’s a rain shower lol. You will need wash cloths, drying rags, buckets, and soap. You will need a poster with your QR code to pay via payment methods you choose and a money bag for old fogies who carry cash. Make sure that you get enough of each supply. Amazingly you can find those supplies at the Dollar Tree.  

9. Advertise your Carwash Fundraiser: Letting people in on your event is so easy now that we have so many platforms, emails, radio stations, social media, and podcasts. So, advertise as much as possible. I recommend starting the week before your event and on the day of your event. We advertise on the radio stations, flyers on cars, and on social media.  

10. CELEBRATE: Yes celebrate with the kids and your fundraising team. The car wash was successful and you raise more money than your financial goal.  

How To Do A Car Wash Fundraiser   


Lana Newble
Lana is a single mother of one, Entrepreneur, Spiritual Life Coach, aspiring author of soon to publish two books. Zumba Instructor, Owner of Love Your Body by Lana body contouring Co-manager of Airbnb Condos here in Baton Rouge. I was a travel nurse who is currently working for Ochsner Home Health. I am a social butterfly and I love bug. I love to love. I was born and raise in Lake Charles La, my favorite baseball team is Boston Red Sox, LSU and basket ball team is Boston Celtics, LSU. My son name is Maison and he is 9 years old he loves soccer, basketball and martial arts. Who wants to design shoes.


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