Kids With Special Needs are NOT Given to Special People

Kids With Special Needs are NOT Given to Special People

I have had the pleasure of being a momma to a child with special needs for seven and a half years, my dear Connor. In these amazing seven and a half years, I have done everything possible to give my child who has multiple complex medical needs the best life imaginable. I have fought doctors on what I knew was best for him, marched the front steps at the State Capital rallying for his rights, and even traveled around the world seeking treatment to give him a better quality of life. To say I’m a “momma bear” is an complete understatement.

In all these years I have heard from family, friends, and strangers about what a great job I am doing raising my Connor man. I look down, shift my feet around, and quietly say thank you. Then the dreaded words are said. “God only gives special kids to special people.” I kindly smile on the outside, but on the inside I scream. I HATE that saying. I KNOW that these sweet people only have the most genuine thoughts behind this, but they need to know the truth-God can give anyone, YES ANYONE, a child with special needs.

I am not special. I am not more deserving of a little miracle child more than the next momma. I am not that parent that goes to all the class parties with homemade cupcakes, makes the latest Pinterest project on organizing my laundry room, or even the parent who remembers to sign the test folder every Tuesday evening. Nope, that is not me. I am ordinary and boring. I am late to doctors appointments, I yell at drivers who don’t use their blinkers, and I cringe when I see other moms at Target with their buggies full of organic foods and their well-behaved kids sweetly following behind. Agh! But I do know one thing, I am a parent. I, like millions of other women, was so graciously given a child from God. My child just so happened to be born with special needs.

The feelings you encounter when finding out the news your perfect child isn’t so perfect is astounding. One can wallow in self pity, hate God for “doing” this to their child, and just accept that life for that precious child will be less than good. OR one can seek the good in a not so pleasant situation, find a greater faith in God, and never accept anything less than perfect for their little miracle. It is all in a matter of thinking. Having a child with any special need at all takes a strong person, and if you aren’t strong at first, you must start lifting the emotional weights that life will be throwing at you. How you take on the responsibilities of this new life will ultimately determine what type of parent you will be.

We’ve all heard that saying, “God will never give you more than you can handle.” I call that BS. My God is a loving God, but a challenging one. He wants to see me thrive and grow into the person that I was meant to be. Challenges along the way are all a part of the journey He has created for me, how I deal with them is up to me. God WILL give me more than I can handle, BUT He guides me and gives me the grace to encounter them.special2

In the past month I have read 6 news articles on parents of children with special needs who have done horrendous, mind blowing things to them. One mother poured perfume down her child’s feeding tube, another parent killed his oh so special child because he wouldn’t stop crying, and on and on. Now please tell me again, God only gives special kids to special parents? Ummmm…no thank you. It’s a sweet thought, but it’s just not true. I would hate to even think for one second that I could be put in the same category as any of these parents. God gives us gifts in the form of our beautiful children, special or not. He expects us to take care of them, love them, and protect them.

I consider it a blessing to have my beautiful Connor. I’m thankful every single day for being able to raise such a precious miracle, BUT not every parent is like me. When you are given a child with needs that are far greater than you can imagine, you must rise to the challenge and become the parent that the child needs and whose life depends on it. It will be a tough, long road full of pot holes and dangerous curves trying to throw you off course.

The next time you see a parent with a child with special needs doing a wicked awesome job tell them exactly that. A simple, “Hey little momma, you are doing a crazy amazing job raising that precious child of yours!” or even “Wow!! I could only hope there are more parents like you out there!” or how about “You and your child are a match made in Heaven!” For most of us parents in the special needs world KNOW that our child is a blessing, however we could most definitely use a kind word telling us that perhaps we are a blessing also.

Katie, a self proclaimed "momma bear", enjoys living her busy, country life with her husband of 10 years and 3 sons just outside of Baton Rouge in Tangipahoa Parish. Katie attended Southeastern Louisiana University where she obtained a degree in Elementary and Special Education. Little did she know how her love of children with special needs would grow shortly after she graduated college. Her middle son, Connor, was born with a rare brain disorder called Schizencephaly-he is wheelchair bound, nonverbal, blind, battles retractable epilepsy, and is fed through a feeding tube. Katie and Connor endure the many trials they are put through with a smile and joy in their heart. Along with being an active member in her church and working for an online public school, Katie regularly advocates for those who experience developmental disabilities at the Louisiana State Capitol. She is the Region 9 leader for Louisiana Citizens for Action Now (LaCAN) and is a member at large for the Governor’s Advisory Council on Disability Affairs. When life's challenges seems too much to bear, Katie remembers this quote to keep forging ahead and being the voice for those who have none, “God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling.” -unknown


  1. Katie,
    Your actions are what Grace and Faith are defined from. I have often felt the same way when hearing the statement. Connor got that amazing spirit from you. You both are an inspiration, the world needs more people like you.

    • Wonderful article! My son is 31 years old and I deal with this constantly. Sometimes, I just want to slap people who mean well. LOL. Katie, I agree with you!!!!!

  2. Thanks for writing this. I couldn’t have said it any better. I will definitely be sharing this. My son sounds a lot like your little one. All the best to you and your family.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to write these words of truth. We get so tired of hearing the phrase that I actually have become numb to it. God gave me Cal because He wants me to be all I can be and grow into a deeper relationship with Him. My son is visually impaired, deaf, wheelchair bound, and fed with a feeding tube, so like you, life is a daily struggle with medical problems I never knew existed. Again, thank you so much for this and may God bless each of you.

  4. Beautiful words! You guys are definitely a match made in Heaven. Keep it up. You were certainly a blessing to me this morning!

  5. You are all too sweet! Thank you so very much for you kind words this morning!!! I consider it such an honor to be a part of the special needs world and Connor man’s mom!

  6. This brought tears to my eyes. I have felt the same thing. We do what we do because we have to. I know I would not have signed up for this willingly but that doesn’t mean I don’t love my little girl. Now I just want the best I can for her and I’ll fight for it if I need to. One thing I can do is teach my kids acceptance of special needs. My son said hello to a boy in Walmart his mom was just overcome with appreciation when she realized he was talking to her son. All he saw was a little boy. It made her day and mine.

  7. What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing, Katie. Connor looks like the sweetest snuggle bug in the world! God bless you all!

  8. Katie, I am a Mom of a special needs child who is now 21 years old. When people start to feel sorry for me I tell them not to bother. My child has Down Syndrome and will never be able to live independently. However, she is as normal a member in our family as any other person. I constantly thank God for all four of my children. I tell people that I am lucky because all of the hard things people assume we are living just disappear. Yes we deal with hardships but over time these things just become normal daily life and not some special “super person” deeds but just the deeds of an ordinary mom. I can relate to your article because I feel the same way. Thanks for putting it out there in such a clear but kind way. Oh, and by the way, I think you are doing a great job. Kellie

  9. Katie, I really enjoyed reading this story. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I have met many parents that feel the same way that you do, and me and my wife agree as well. God blessed us with 3 beautiful children. The fact that one of them has special needs doesn’t mean that God thought I cold handle it better than someone else, and I am not an amazing parent because I have fought for the best for my special needs daughter. I am a God loving parent who wants to show all 3 of my daughters how to love God fully, even in the difficult times. We only need to look to God because he can carry us through. God bless you and your family.


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