Knock Knock Children’s Museum :: A Must Visit for Kids in Baton Rouge

Knock Knock Children’s Museum :: A Must Visit for Kids in Baton Rouge

Before I had my daughter, I considered myself “the fun auntie” – as I was the only one in my friend group with no kids. I would purposely buy toys that made noise with a bunch of pieces.

Now, I am considering putting no toys on my daughter’s second birthday party invite because my living room looks like Six Flags right now. Seriously! I just cleaned out her toy bin and I swear there are still too many toys! Most are Montessori style, so they don’t make noise but whewww there are still a lot of pieces. I’m tired of tripping over toys! The worst is waiting for the pain from my toe to reach my brain.

That’s why I am so glad my mom got my daughter a membership to the Knock Knock Children’s Museum for her birthday!

Due to my work schedule, we usually are only able to make it on some Thursday evenings, some Friday afternoon and most Saturday mornings. My preference is Saturday mornings during the “Members Only” hour. But that’s what I love about the museum.

They have hours that work for working parents.

I have to admit, my favorite play area at the Knock Knock Children’s Museum is the “Craw Baby” area. I will be so sad when my daughter is too tall for the area. I love that I can sit down, relax, and watch her play. I’m also able to talk to other parents in this area. She loves to climb the stairs and slide. When we first started going, she would slide down on her stomach (to control the ride down) but now she slides down on her back like a big girl. Just something small like that, watching her grow in different aspects – it’s the best feeling.

My daughter’s favorite area is the car mechanic area.

She loves to drive the car! Each time we enter the museum, she runs straight to the car. I have to drag her out of that play area so we can explore other areas in the museum. Her dad is a mechanic by trade, so I guess she got it honest. When we first started going regularly, she was very afraid of the Car Wash. I used to try to coerce her to go through it, but she wasn’t having it. A few weeks ago, she was playing with a little boy around her age. He ran in and she ran in behind him. I was so proud to see her face her fear. She kept running back and forth through the car wash and inside, I was beaming.

The employees are the best! A few have taken to my daughter and know her by name.

Due to some schedule conflicts, we missed a few weeks and one of the employees asked about Brynne because they missed her. That meant the world to me, for my daughter to be thought of and to be considered. Miss Miranda used to be a regular in the Craw Baby area. She really helped Brynne come out of her shell and play with the other kids. Miss Nialah always plays with Brynne in the different play areas. They love to grocery shop together. She even helped Brynne pet the dogs when the therapy dogs visited. All of the employees are helpful, sweet and truly care about the children who visit the museum.

My mom decided this will be her annual birthday gift to my daughter each year. Honestly, I’m just glad that I won’t have an extra toy to pick up.


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