A Letter to My Son’s First High School Teacher

Dear Awesome Educator,

First, let me say thank you for giving of yourself tirelessly in a field that is often under-appreciated but always so needed! I want you to know that as an educator myself, I GET IT. Some days are hard, and then some days are harder than hard. Please know we are grateful for your professionalism and respect your knowledge. It is my personal belief that teachers have a special part of their heart that genuinely wants to change the world.

I want to speak to the reason that you became a teacher. You knew that if you could reach a student, you could change his life, and ultimately, his world. Now that dream is becoming reality in the form of my teenage son. He is spirited, intelligent and truly talented. He is also, well, a teenager. He’s going through all the normal changes and challenges, and I can tell he isn’t quite sure how to navigate them appropriately all the time.

So I ask that when you speak to him, please see him as the ball of potential that he is. Know that your words and your influence matter. You may see him every day for 8 hours, but I have been with him all of his life. I will do my part to help him show you the best of him, but on the days that his best doesn’t show up, please handle him with care. And take the time to take care of yourself, because the task you have ahead of you each day is truly great. My son will only get the best of you when you are being good to yourself – mind, body and soul.

It is my reality that my son is no longer a baby and he is growing into a young man, but to me, he will always be my baby. I am fully aware that he will not be perfect, but I am certain that he will be the best version of himself when you take the time to encourage and model the best behaviors. You and I are partners now. We both have a vested interest in this one individual. I believe if we do our best, he will do the rest naturally. As a mother, I too have a dream to change the world by impacting young minds; this we have in common. Together we can make it happen.

Your Partner in Education,

A Loving Mother

Strong willed and determined since a little girl, this mom of three, wife, worship leader, writer, and career woman, believes dreams come true if you do the work. Nikyla hails from St. Louis, Mo, the “show me” state. She is a graduate of Louisiana State University and Southern University. She is a certified teacher and currently teaches at Louisiana Connections Academy. Her time out of the office is filled with family, friends and faith. She adores her three children Kyre, K’mya, and Kris and has been married to her childhood sweet heart Remiah Trask for fourteen years. Nikyla is currently a worship leader at Anchor Chapel in Baton Rouge. She has always been passionate about the things she sets her mind to. Her story of victory over severe anxiety disorder, after her third child, is truly one you must hear to believe. It will transform the way you view people with mental illness and even the way you view yourself. She is the founder of the mental health campaign entitled Be Brave. Writing has become a form of therapy for her, and the stories she shares are always honest, heartfelt, and transparent. Read more of Nikyla’s Brave Blogs here.


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