No Matter What I Do, I Always Hear “Mom, I’m Hungry!!”

Mom, I’m Hungry!!

Lately, things for me have really been chaotic, and it seems like the time is going so fast. With changing careers, working, studying, cleaning the house, and being a football mom. I am on auto pilot and going along for the ride. One thing that I find myself doing the most and I did not even list is COOKING. What was I thinking, leaving that one out, it’s the most important thing in life as mom. Blow the whistle, there is a flag on that play!! Do not mind me, I am talking football. No matter what I am doing, if my son is with me all I hear is “Mom, I’m hungry” and my reply is Again!!! 

I cannot seem to stay out of the kitchen, and now that he is playing football, his metabolism is faster. He is eating more.

He used to be a fussy eater, so I spent less time in the kitchen. But now he is getting older and hanging around with friends. He now wants to eat what they eat. He tells me at KJ’s house they eat this, and I want you to cook that for me. I say to myself all the time: I have tried to get you to eat that, now you want me to cook it? But I cooked it anyway.  

Throughout my week, my days are exceptionally long and end late at night. With work as a home health nurse, preparing for my real estate test, Maison’s football practice, and being team mom, by the time we get home there is just enough time to take a bath, pray and go to bed. While he is taking a bath, I am cooking something for us to eat. Now there are days I can get home with enough time to cook something to eat, but then other days we eat out. I am a traditional mom, and it is important that we have home cooked meals and sit at the table to eat together. But I am also a single mother. Some days I kick that tradition out of the window.  

Mom, I'm Hungry!!

I try to have healthy snacks, fruits in the icebox, and something microwaveable for him. But no matter what I do I still hear “Mom, I am hungry.” It is a joy to be able to cook and enjoy healthy food and conversation with my son. Still, sometimes I want to say “Son, let us eat cereal tonight or how about grab some pizza.” When I talk to other friends or coworkers about it they say, “boys just eat a lot” and “I was always in the kitchen, but wait until he gets older.”  

Wait, what? There is more eating? I said. So I think to myself, everyone is ok with this, no one is going to try to change this? I mean there must be a vitamin or a prayer; you know God answers prayers and there is nothing too hard for him. I must step in as the quarterback for this one. It is time for a huddle.

Ladies, we need to switch up the plays, call a Hail Mary because the boys are leading, and their score is 7 to 3 and I need a time out in the kitchen. 

Lana Newble
Lana is a single mother of one, Entrepreneur, Spiritual Life Coach, aspiring author of soon to publish two books. Zumba Instructor, Owner of Love Your Body by Lana body contouring Co-manager of Airbnb Condos here in Baton Rouge. I was a travel nurse who is currently working for Ochsner Home Health. I am a social butterfly and I love bug. I love to love. I was born and raise in Lake Charles La, my favorite baseball team is Boston Red Sox, LSU and basket ball team is Boston Celtics, LSU. My son name is Maison and he is 9 years old he loves soccer, basketball and martial arts. Who wants to design shoes.


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