Living in Baton Rouge with kids is endless fun. There is no shortage of things to do with kids in Baton Rouge, and we have the list to prove it. Whether your family is looking for a Baton Rouge splash pad or what to do in Baton Rouge when it rains, we have you covered. Might we recommend you take a picture while you’re at it?
Must Take Pictures in Baton Rouge
On our recent trip to the Baton Rouge Zoo, my kids excitedly ran immediately to the Asian exhibit, stopping only to push the giant globe floating on water at the entrance. Once there, they bypassed the ever-sleeping tigers and instead crawled into the kitschy cage to turn around and take a picture. I realized that this was obviously not the first time we had done this: I had taken this exact picture probably every time I’ve taken them to the zoo so much so that they think it’s part of the zoo experience itself. I started to wonder how many other moms in the area have done the same thing. I mean, are you even from Baton Rouge if you don’t have that picture?
I don’t consider myself a “basic” type of girl, but the more I considered it, the more I realized that I’m probably a walking example of a “Basic Baton Rouge Mom.” I think I have taken every staple BR Mom pic imaginable, and I’ve probably taken it several times. Here is what I believe to be a list of every picture that Baton Rouge moms take of their kids. Are you as Baton Rouge Basic as I am? #BRB
Spring Pictures in Baton Rouge With Kids
The Mardi Gras parade :: floats! beads! throws! crowds! If you’ve attended true Baton Rouge parades, you probably have a picture of your kiddos either downtown or at the Southdowns parade. Bonus points if: your kid is pictured with his back to you, reaching toward the float OR is playing with some cheap toy from a street vendor that’s sure to break in less than five minutes and counting…
The Crawfish Boil :: celebrating some special occasion or just using an excuse to indulge? I’m sure you have a picture of your kids holding a live crawfish before it gets purged. Bonus points: kid getting pinched or your child trying the delicacy for the first time!
St. Patty’s Day :: No, this is not the same as the Mardi Gras parade ones! The Wearin’ o’ the Green is a Baton Rouge tradition, and I’m sure your kiddos have every combination of green on. Bonus points: Did your kiddo get to shoot a basketball during the parade? Catch a cabbage?
Summer Pictures in Baton Rouge With Kids
Tiger Cage at the BREC Zoo :: The pic that started it all. I’m sure you have it somewhere. Bonus points: Is your sweetheart’s face painted?
Coffee Call :: It’s truly a special moment to see your children share in the magic of beignets … and the inevitable powdered-sugar cleanup that takes place afterward. Try explaining that you should neither inhale nor exhale while eating them! Bonus points: Kid blowing sugar everywhere while eating!
Snowballs :: A necessity on a hot summer day! Bonus points: Syrup dripping down the clothes!
Fall Pictures in Baton Rouge With Kids
Tailgate Pics :: Whether cheering on the purple and gold Tigers or the blue yellow Jaguars or the green and gold Lions in the area, every mom has taken a picture of those precious legacies. Bonus points: Kids posing with mascot.
At the Cage :: Visiting the live mascots is an event, even if it’s just a place to go while you’re out and about. Bonus points: Spouse holding up kid and pointing to a sleeping kitty.
Positioned on a Statue on Campus :: A giant statue? Let’s take a picture on/near it! Bonus points: Kids in school colors before a sporting event.
Stadium Pic :: Stand riiiiight here so I can try to capture the grandeur! Bonus points: Are you standing at one sports venue to capture another in the background?
Winter Pictures in Baton Rouge With Kids
Holidays in BR :: All dressed up for Santa at the mall, and we even had to get a reservation for it! The Messengers’! Bonus points: The obligatory meltdown and reaching for mom while on Santa’s lap.
Downtown Life :: Levee/Downtown area, on top of the state capitol building. Bonus points: Kid posing at the bullet-hole in the wall from Huey P.’s assassination (really morbid, actually!).
Moms’ Night Out (sans kids) :: You and your ladies listening to some live music on the porch of Superior, getting drinks at the Chimes, or enjoying some Hibachi at Ichiban. Bonus points: someone celebrating a birthday!