To My Special Needs Child On The First Day Of Kindergarten

My Dear Child,

Today I watched you walk into your first ever day of school. I am filled with all the emotions. From pride to worry. This road for you hasn’t been easy. You’ve been faced with more challenges and setbacks in your four years than most adults encounter in their lifetime. Yet, you haven’t let that get in your way. You are the strongest little boy I know, so much perseverance and tenacity in such a little body. So much spirit and will to live in such a small soul.

I worry about you taking on this new journey. I worry that you’ll soon find out that the world and kids are not as kind as you’ve come to think. I worry your differences will make you a target. I worry, at only four, you’ll have to muster up even more strength to equal up to your peers.

At the same time, I am so excited for you. I am so proud of you. You take life by the horns. You know no other way. Since you were born, the obstacles have been stacked against you. From heart disease to hearing loss and everything in between, you’ve been dealt a tough hand. Yet that’s never stopped you. You are so full of joy and a thirst for life. You’re kind and generous and give the best hugs. You run even when the world expects you to fall.

You are a gift, sweet boy. I hope you always remember that. I hope your teachers and peers see past the inabilities and discover that you’re full to the brim with ABILITIES. Your presence in the classroom should be truly cherished and I hope you’re seen for the remarkable person you are.

To my baby with special needs, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. Show them that you can. You’re going to do great!

Sara Hodge
Sara is the proud mother of four children. Born in Baton Rouge, she grew up in Ascension and decided to settle down in her hometown of Gonzales. As the mom of two children with congenital heart disease, she's passionate about raising awareness for the cause. In her rare moments of spare time, she enjoys reading Stephen King novels, spending all her money on Amazon, and scrolling through TikTok. You can usually find her cruising the streets listening to 2000's emo, being her children's personal chauffeur.


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