We love therapy. There. I said it.
Special instruction / general physical therapy?
Intensive trauma therapy?
Counseling for anxiety?
Speech therapy?
It may seem intense. (If you’re counting, that’s 7 therapy sessions a week!) But we believe that early intervention makes a huge difference.
I have sat and watched my kids struggle. Struggle with speech, or anxiety, or the inability to regulate their own behaviors. I have searched the internet for hours on end and tried every tip and trick I could. I have asked friends and in Facebook groups and weeded through the advice to find the golden gems.
But nothing compares to the trained eye of a therapist who learns YOUR child and HER needs, who is able to glean bits of information from the smallest interactions, and tweak the game plan on the spot. A professional who uses everything in his or her toolkit to help you meet your child’s needs.
To know that I am not alone in this battle for my girls gives me so much peace. If you have any inclination that your child needs therapy, get a screening or evaluation done, make the appointment, get the therapy. Our girls are WORLDS ahead of where they otherwise would have been, and there is not a moment of therapy that I regret.