We’re knee deep in the New Year! If you’re anything like me, that means spending this time getting your house in order. For my household, that looks like going through every drawer, closest, nook and cranky to reorganize and donate what we no longer use. So needless to say, I’ve been in that organization state of mind. Even in the grocery store. I was in the store for just a few things (biggest lie ever, right?) when the cutest box on an end cap of an aisle caught my eye. It caught my eye because the boxes were arranged in rainbow color and I’m a softie for the rainbow! In my mind I said, “that’s so neat” and kept on walking…until the light bulb went off! I threw myself in reverse and put a few of those boxes in my basket. Here’s why, that organization state of mind kicked in full drive and my wheels got to turning. I knew how I could use those boxes for organizing things in my home.
This one rainbow box for only $15 at Walmart has satisfied my organization monster and I’ll share the ways I used them with you!
If you follow me on social media, you may have already seen this one. As I mentioned, I like to start the year off with cleaning my house, just makes me feel equipped to take on the new year with clean closets. BUT there is one closet I have been dreading to clean and that is the art/board game closet. Among the mess in our art/board game closet, are boxes and boxes of puzzles. We LOVE puzzles around here, but the only problem is when they want to play with a puzzle, it’s like an intense game of Jenga which usually ends in every box in the closet tumbling down and all contents of the boxes scattering everywhere. Now I don’t claim to be an innovator, but I think this a pretty good idea! Here’s where the rainbow box comes in. I pulled all the puzzles out of the closet and emptied one puzzle inside the rainbow box.
Then I cut the picture off the puzzle box and taped on the outside of the rainbow box. And there you go, no more boxes tumbling out of the closet and all puzzles are contained in one area.
A very clever friend of mine gave me this idea when I shared how I used the box for puzzle pieces. She told me that she uses the rainbow box to hold her photos, much cheaper than chat books! At the end of each month, print out photos that are significant to you. There are enough boxes to designate one box for each month, birthdays, and Christmas. Each box fits 4×6 photos. Bye-bye Chatbooks.
My son is obsessed with Legos, to the point where I even wonder why we buy him another other toy because Legos is all he wants to play with. Thankfully, he is really good about playing with them in the designated area in his room and doesn’t dump them all over the house. But I still felt like he needed a proper place to store the thousands of Legos he’s collected over the years. Rainbow box to the rescue. Each box can hold specific colors and specific pieces. So now instead of the Legos being spread all over his table, they can be nicely saved away, in rainbow fashion.