

Angela is a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to 4 children. She and her husband, Josh, were born and raised in Louisiana and love raising their kids around family and friends. They love exploring the outdoors, traveling, and playing sports. Angela loves to encourage other homeschooling moms and loves to advocate for getting kids off screens and outside.

Swimming Safely: A Gift for Life {Crawfish Aquatics Swim Lessons}

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Crawfish Aquatics, which offers year-round swimming instruction for students of all ages. “It happened so fast,” a reflecting mom said to me. “One minute we are all outside in...

REAL TALK with Red Stick Moms: Family Vacations…Who’s Invited?

We are excited to announce the start of a new series: REAL TALK with Red Stick Moms. In this series, we are hoping to tackle some topics that are on our minds and hearts...

REAL TALK with Red Stick Moms: Structured Activities for Young Kids

We are excited to announce the start of a new series: REAL TALK with Red Stick Moms. In this series, we are hoping to tackle some topics that are on our minds and hearts...

No Grocery Store Necessary {The Ease of Using Indie Plate}

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Indie Plate, a local company that we have used and loved time and time again. All opinions are our own. We've read all the blog posts. Seen all the...

Your Exceptional Child {Announcing St. Lillian Academy Open House Events}

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by St. Lillian Academy, which offers outpatient pediatric therapy beginning at age 3, full‐time education beginning at age 5 and thorough diagnostic services for infants, toddlers, children and youths, all at one...