
Julie Lee

Julie Lee
Julie is a mama, wife, teacher, writer, photographer, designer, and basket case—jack of all trades, master of none. She lives in Ascension Parish with her husband, her two hooligans, and her quarankitties, Stella and Luna. She’s an English teacher by day, and a lover of words by destiny. Her favorite word is schadenfreude. When she’s pretending she isn’t too busy to breathe, you can find her curled up in her hammock with a book.

The Girl Gang: May Your Daughters Be Blessed

My daughter is a sensitive little monster, and I mean that in the best way possible. She is opinionated and strong and (sometimes) rather terrifying.  But she is also a vulnerable, fragile, blessed ball of...

Bless This Mess

Raise your hand if you are guilty of the following: Saying “Please excuse my mess!” when someone comes into your home for the first (or 26th) time. BONUS POINTS IF YOUR HOUSE IS ACTUALLY CLEAN WHEN...

Our Old “New Normal”: A Pandemic Retrospective

A little over a year ago, I was sitting in the living room of my sister's Seagrove beach house (good lord, the privilege and pretension in that comment makes me cringe) on what I...

Holey Shoes: A Girly-Girl Elegy

"Mom, I need new shoes!" my daughter screeched as she skidded through the front door Kramer-from-Seinfeld style. Those shoes were only three months old, a Christmas gift. She held up one foot, pointing to...

Toxic Comparison Culture: Why #MOMGOALS Needs to Go

I know you've seen it. I know you've FELT it. That insidious cancer that invades you when you get sucked into the toxic comparison culture that is social media currency. Mamas, don't fall for it. #MOMGOALS...