Kelly Moore
What Mom Really Wants for Mother’s Day
It's hard to miss that Mother's Day is quickly approaching. TV ads tempt us to buy a sparkling piece of jewelry and retail emails remind you to get those flowers ordered. Book the brunch...
Making Patience {Recipe Included}
I've never been able to get much out of any 'how-to' parenting books. Maybe it's the part of me that hates being told what to do, but they never seem to help. A friend...
Letting Go {When My Milk Dried Up}
Earlier this week, I posted about my initial journey into breastfeeding my son with a dairy allergy. It was a struggle for a few months, but I eventually got my rhythm in the new dairy-free...
Having to Cut the Cheese Part 2 {Guide to a Dairy-Free Diet}
As I recounted in yesterday's post, at 8 weeks old we found out my son had a dairy allergy. Suddenly I had new dairy-free dietary restrictions in order to continue nursing him. Cooking all...
Having to Cut the Cheese Part 1 {Dairy-Free Breastfeeding}
I was one of the lucky ones for whom breastfeeding happened pretty naturally with my son. My milk came in just fine, we had no problems with latching, and once I got past the...