Baby Registry Saga – Part II

Prologue: Following “Baby Registry Saga – Part I,” I come here with “Part II” to share with you what I ended up with on my registry.

I believe every registry is extremely personal and, especially for us first time moms, there will be a lot of trial and error. Pregnancy already surprised me with changes in an intensity level that I was not expecting, so I don’t want to let my planning impulses take the best of me and set out expectations that will destroy my sanity. Having said that, I can’t have access to every single baby item to see what works best, so here comes decision time!

As an architect, I try to take into consideration life-cycle analysis of the product and cost as compared to value-added. Also, given it is fairly easy to find needed items and have them delivered in just two days, I tried to make a somewhat minimal list that would help me feel comfortable, but hopefully not have a pile of items I will never even open. Here is a compilation of my list:

1) For mom

2) Feeding

3) Transportation

 4) Sleep

5) Diapering

 6) Babycare

7) Storage

  •  Dresser: we got this one used from a friend.
  • Wardrobe: a friend donated an antique wardrobe to us, which was amazing since we have an old house with very limited storage space.

8) Baby apparel

It is kind of difficult to not buy a bunch of baby outfits, but I’ve managed to come all this way without buying a single garment. My friends did give me a handful of cute outfits, and I’m getting a second-hand batch from another friend. Patience, I keep telling myself. These were the only few items I couldn’t resist at least having on my registry:

9) Miscellaneous

To sum it up, I have around 50 items on my registry and a few bigger items that I bought / was gifted second hand. It might end up being too little or too much – I’ll keep you posted!

How did your registry look like as a first-time mom?

Photo credit: Kathrin Pienaar

Ana is originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Out of passion for learning, she started traveling to all sorts of different places. Fifteen countries later, she has now settled in Baton Rouge and works for a local architecture firm. Graduate school at LSU presented her not only with tools to advance in architecture but also with a deeper understanding of the culture and geography of Louisiana. It is a fascinating state, and Baton Rouge, as its capital, does not disappoint. Ana is currently starting her journey to a country she has never been to before: motherhood (except if you count a dog, a cat, and a fish). You can find her coming up with a myriad of house projects, trying new restaurants in town, park-hopping with her beagle, or enjoying a good movie with her husband.


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