Growing up, I wanted four children. Two boys, one girl, then another boy. I distinctly remember the day I changed my mind. I was in college and working as a cashier at Lowe’s. A woman with four young kids came through my line. The baby was crying. The other three were either whining or running around causing chaos. That mom didn’t have enough hands. The thoughts running through my head were, “Why can’t this woman control her kids? When I’m a mom, my kids will NOT act this way in public!”
Fast-forward a few (okay, more than a few) years to today. I’m in Target begging my fifteen month old to sit down in the front of the cart. She’s...
Several years ago I heard an opinion piece on the radio during the holiday season that bugged me. The premise was that sending out Christmas cards diminishes the spirit of the season. Particularly Christmas cards. A card with a photo of your tanned family at the beach last summer? No, thank you. A Christmas greeting with lovey doveys from newlyweds slathered on for all to see? Lord, help us. And End Scene from Ebenezer. Enter this Mama, stage right, envelopes in hand. Although I admit I always think of this story I heard so many years ago during this season (good job, Mr. Newsman who hates fun), I do not agree. Like at all. I.LOVE.CHRISTMAS.CARDS! Call it an obsession....
Around Christmas time, I know there are many moms who think, “I want my children to learn that Christmas is a time for giving and helping others (not just getting presents!); however, I know my house is about to be bombarded with new toys!” One answer to this discord is to make a tradition of donating some of your child’s gently used toys a few weeks before the holidays. This helps children participate in and be a big part of the act of giving, as well as make room for the influx of new toys that is inevitable in many homes each Christmas. The process of donating toys may look very different depending on the age(s) of your children,...
My husband, Bill, and I recently took a baby care class at Woman’s Hospital. The official name for the class is “After Baby Comes (ABC): Baby Care and Parent Care. I’m now about two months from my due date, and with the holidays on the horizon we elected to go ahead and take the class in October.
A word about our prior “experience” with babies: I’m a typical gal who loves to hold babies and who did her fair share of baby-sitting growing up. I also have seven younger cousins; so for the majority of my childhood, there was at least one baby hanging around. But I’ll admit that I've probably changed one diaper in the past five years and...
I REALLY love to craft. However, as a homeschooling single mom to 3 kids I have very little time. (Don't we all?) This year, I have hatched a plan to get my 5, 4, and 2 year olds into the crafting spirit! Plus, who doesn't have wonderful memories of those homemade ornaments you made when you were that age? I'm pretty sure my mom still has some popsicle stick angels in a box. This year I want to spend the holidays with my kids in the moment. Last year was my first Christmas as a single mom, and I did not even put up a tree; but this year is going to be a wonderful homemade Christmas packed with memories!
Pinterest it up! We...