We're all smiling, but we're bracing for each other. Every year our school has a “back-to-school” night. The parents of my students, most of them moms, drop in for a short amount of time. I scurry through a PowerPoint, make a couple of jokes about using an old textbook, and take routine, innocuous questions at the end of my speech. Then I shake a lot of hands as they all leave, knowing our next encounters could range from the joyous to the depths of frustration. As they leave, I can’t help but feel there is more I want to say to them – more that would make the unpleasant conversations have a happier ending, more that would secure a tighter circle...
As the new school year is starting, I am shifting from stay-at-home in the summer mom to teacher-mom mode. People ask me what my perspective is about school being a teacher mom a lot, and as my kids get older, I'm noticing the things that I feel like are the most important to help children feel successful at school. Read, read, read at home. I know some children like to read more than others, but the more you can read at home, the better. We read fiction, non-fiction, funny books, silly books, books about whatever animals they are interested. Anything at all! Reading to children early is so critical, because it fosters a love for books, and it builds...
It's back to school time around here. Endless supply lists, new school shoes for everyone, the hunt for the perfect backpacks, haircuts, etc. It is 2 weeks of running in circles and forgetting things. It's such a joyful time. My children will be going into third and MIDDLE SCHOOL. (I feel lightheaded now. Hold me.) There is one thing that I don't mind buying because it makes mornings so much easier: school uniforms. I haven't always liked them, though. I am a child of the 80's/90's. Uniforms were for private school kids. Us public school kids were free to express ourselves in whatever outfit we could talk our mothers into spending money on. Although, looking back, we mainly just embarrassed...
I can't believe I am already buying school supplies. Summer always seems to go by too quickly when looking back. Don't get me wrong. There were days when it seemed extra long. You know, three kids at home who love to 'entertain' each other (insert eye roll). So let's talk back to school. Prepping for back to school. There is so much involved when it comes to prepping for back to school. We are running around purchasing new uniforms, school shoes, and all those items on the school supply list that was received in the mail mid-July. I even find myself grabbing my planner and start thinking about meal planning. The school year always feels extra busy with not only the...
My son is a planner. At nine years old, he already has his future planned out. He narrowed down his future car to three make / models, he decided on his career and side job, and has even decided which state he will live in.   So when he asked me what to do if none of his friends went to his middle school, I was surprised because I thought he would have at least planned all interactions throughout his second year of college.   He was worried that he would not know anyone at his new school and he didn't want to be the only one without a friend. After he asked me how to make friends when he gets...

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