
These Tiny Fingers

Its 2:30 a.m. Molly (my 5 month old) is waking for the third time tonight already. She’s not sick. She is not in a growth spurt. Her diaper is clean and she’s not too hot or cold. I don’t know what she needs. I do know that after five days of this and VERY little sleep, I can’t see straight. The house is a mess. We have used all of our allotted “eat out” days for the month and we are only half way through. I go about my days like a zombie. I feel like I am not even carrying on a functioning conversation. I’m not sure how much more I can take of this. The house is...

Fed is Best

We had a good run at it, breastfeeding and I. We got 4 good months out of the gig. Well, 3 if we’re being honest, because that last month was hell. I always thought I’d at least make it to the 6 month mark - because how hard can it be? When I was pregnant and people would ask if I was planning on breastfeeding, I would answer with a resounding “Yes!” My “plan” was to get to 6 months and reevaluate, see how I felt, and keep going forward. I only registered for like 4 bottles, for crying out loud. And we started so strong, that’s the crazy thing. When other moms would check in on me those first...

The Mom I Used To Be

Ok mammas, I know we have all seen the Luvs commercials.  You know, the ones that show the difference in the mom you are with your first and the mom you change in to with your second?  I think a lot of us can admit that they are preeetttyyyy accurate.  I mean, I can totally relate to the mom that hands her babe off to the auto shop mechanic and even the one that leaves the house with one diaper, a few wipes and a sippy. I've been a mom for about seven years, but I gave birth to my first four years ago (more on the reasoning behind that here).  As a new mom you have so many expectations...
Friendships are hard.  At least for me.  Growing up, I was a tomboy--one of the guys--with a fierce independent streak. I never had a lot of girl friends. I also moved around a bit, so I don't have any friends that I've known since elementary school.  College and grad school brought dear friends--kindred spirits--but distance keeps us apart these days. My husband is my absolute best friend, and I'm lucky to be married to him. We've had lots of adventures and have moved across country a few times in our nearly decade-long marriage.  Its easy to be best friends with him, especially because we're both slightly weird. Adult friendships, though, are difficult for me, especially with other women. Wonderful and worth it,...
It wasn't until I became a mom that I realized how outrageously expensive disposable diaper really are!  I now realize that when you receive diapers as a baby gift, you are really getting the BEST GIFT EVER!  Like putting gas in your car, diapers become a necessary item that can quickly put a big dent in your families budget. When my oldest child was in diapers I thought I had a pretty good idea of where to purchase the cheapest diapers.  Turns out...I was wrong! So I set out on a mission to help find the best deals in (disposable) diapering.  Hopefully, this thorough comparison, will help to cut down on some of the foot work and research (that most...

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Around Baton Rouge

Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings

Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings Since my son Maison could walk, he loved playing sports. His first sport was basketball, and he played his...