I am not a fancy photographer. I used a basic point-and-shoot camera for a long time, and even now that I have a DSLR I shoot in auto mode 99.99% of the time. If I'm away from home, I use my iPhone--no way am I gonna be lugging around a bulky camera and worrying about it getting broken the whole time. I snap a few photos and move on with my life. But I do like to think that thanks to my blog my photography skills have improved measurably, and I'm pretty confident these days that I can take a decent picture of my kid or my house. I thought it'd be fun to share some really accessible and...
I love the holidays for many reasons, and getting a chance to host family and friends is definitely high on that list.  Now, while my cooking may not be up to the normal standards of a typical host, I can whip up a few print items that make celebrating a holiday just a little more festive and personal for all involved. I’m no stranger to designing and printing out lots of things that will only get thrown away in a matter of hours, but that’s not the point.  I absolutely love seeing people’s reactions when they realize something is personalized or made just for them. So this year for Thanksgiving, while it may not be my turn to cook the turkey,...
Momtrepreneur is a catchy little term describing a mom (most often a stay at home mom) who builds a hobby or idea into her own business, therefore becoming an entrepreneur. Momtrepreneur. Has a nice ring to it, no? Here’s my own little momtrepreneur journey (so far) in a nutshell: In 6th grade I kind-of, sort-of learned how to sew. In 2010, my friend gave me her sewing machine she no longer wanted. In 2011, I became a mom and was motivated to improve my sewing skills in order to make cute stuff for my kids. These kids happened to be boys, and I realized there was a lack of adorable baby boy clothes on the market. In 2013, I have...

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Around Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge Are you a huge fan of those cinnamon-flavored dough rounds covered in sweet green, gold,...